Battlefield 2042: Improved Scoreboard Arrives Tomorrow

Hallelujah! Be happy, my brothers, because He is finally back! Yes, your prayers have finally been answered: DICE announced that the long-awaited revised scoreboard would arrive tomorrow in Battlefield 2042. To accompany it, the 3.3 update will include some minor bug fixes and, of course, cosmetics rewarding players girl players who purchased the premium editions.

It’s up to you to see your abyssal level against no-life PGMs taking over the top of the rankings thanks to this incredible feature displaying the number of kills, deaths, assists, etc. Indeed, remember that this scoreboard in good and due form was sorely lacking in Battlefield 2042 since its release, almost five months ago. An absence all the more regrettable as it is found in almost all PVP multiplayer games, including the Battlefield series…

5 months working at DICE

The developers take this opportunity to announce that the next update, scheduled for next month, will include more changes, such as the voice chat functionality for squads or the possibility of looking at the scoreboard at the end of the game (wow) . At the same time, changes concerning the balancing of vehicle weapons and an improvement in the functioning of attachments for infantry weapons will be included.

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