Battle for Dominance: Four Rival Forces Compete for Presidente Franco’s Port Terminal

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) received four bids for the supervision of the second phase of the cargo port terminal of the National Navigation and Ports Administration (ANNP) in Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná department.

This process, which is part of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE) project and the Paraguay-Brazil Integration Bridge, marks a new step towards the transformation of local and regional logistics capacity.

This is the tender with ID No. 450,624, in which the following bidders participate: Integration Consortium (Tecno Consulting Group SA – Quality Engineering and Consulting SA), the Port Management Consortium (Control SA – GEPG SA), the TRSA – Tecma Consortium (Tomás Robert Sosa Aguilera – Technology and Environment Engineering and Consulting SA) and the Cialpa – Vicicon Consortium (Alto Paraguay Engineering Consultant and Public Limited Company – Vicicon Public Limited Company).

The consultancy will include the supervision of several essential components for the operation of the terminal, such as the truck control platform, residential buildings, warehouses, reinforcement of the perimeter fence, offices for dispatchers and wastewater treatment.

Road infrastructure, electrical work, sanitary installations, signage and gardening will also be supervised, according to the MOPC report.

Reception of bids for works

In addition, the call for tenders for the works is scheduled for this Monday, September 16. In this case, it is the so-called MOPC No. 14/24, International Public Tender, published on the DNCP portal with the ID No. 449385.

This second stage aims to complete the infrastructure of the ANNP Port Cargo Terminal, which is currently being built by the CET Consortium.

With the opening of the Integration Bridge between Presidente Franco and Foz de Yguazú, a flow of around 1,000 trucks per day is expected through this terminal. This space will also house joint border controls between Paraguay and Brazil, which will contribute to improving trade and logistics in the region.

#bidders #competing #oversee #port #terminal #Presidente #Franco
2024-09-15 02:08:45

– What are the main objectives of the cargo⁤ port terminal ‍project in Paraguay?

Title: Ministry of Public Works and ⁤Communications Receives ‌Four Bids for ​Cargo Port Terminal Supervision in Paraguay

Meta Description: Learn about the latest development in ⁣Paraguay’s infrastructure project, ⁤as⁢ the Ministry of Public Works ​and ⁤Communications receives four ⁤bids for ‌the supervision of⁤ the cargo port terminal in Presidente ‌Franco.

Header Tags:

H1: Ministry of Public ⁣Works and⁢ Communications Receives‍ Four Bids for Cargo Port ⁣Terminal Supervision in⁣ Paraguay

H2: Efforts to Enhance Logistics⁣ Capacity in the Region

H2: Four Consortiums Participate in ⁢the Tender

H2: Scope​ of the Supervision Services

H2: Upcoming Call‌ for Tenders for Works


The Ministry ⁢of ​Public Works and Communications⁤ (MOPC) in​ Paraguay has taken a significant step forward⁣ in its Eastern Metropolitan ‌Corridor (CMDE) project and the Paraguay-Brazil Integration Bridge ⁣by receiving four bids for ​the ‍supervision of the ⁢second phase of the cargo port terminal of the ‍National Navigation and Ports Administration (ANNP) in Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná ⁤department.

This development is part of the ‌government’s efforts ​to transform local and regional‌ logistics capacity, which is crucial for the country’s economic growth and development. The supervision of the cargo port terminal will play a vital role in enhancing the efficiency and safety of port operations, ultimately benefiting businesses ⁣and communities ​in the region.

Efforts to Enhance Logistics Capacity in the Region

The⁣ Eastern Metropolitan Corridor project and the Paraguay-Brazil Integration Bridge aim to improve⁢ the connectivity of Paraguay with Brazil and other neighboring countries. By ⁣investing⁢ in the development of logistics infrastructure, the government seeks to increase trade, stimulate economic⁢ growth, and create jobs.

Four Consortiums Participate ⁢in the Tender

The four consortiums ​that ⁢have submitted bids ⁤for the supervision of the cargo port terminal are:

  1. Integration Consortium⁤ (Tecno Consulting Group‌ SA – Quality Engineering and Consulting SA)
  2. Port Management Consortium (Control SA – GEPG SA)
  3. TRSA – Tecma Consortium (Tomás Robert ⁢Sosa Aguilera – Technology and ⁣Environment Engineering and Consulting SA)
  4. Cialpa – ‍Vicicon ⁣Consortium (Alto Paraguay ‍Engineering Consultant and Public Limited Company – Vicicon Public ​Limited​ Company)

Each of these consortiums brings‌ together experienced companies with expertise in infrastructure development, engineering, and logistics.

Scope of the Supervision Services

The successful bidder will⁢ be responsible for supervising⁣ the construction of⁣ several essential components of the cargo port terminal, including:

‌ Truck control platform

Residential buildings


Reinforcement of the​ perimeter fence

Offices for dispatchers

⁢Wastewater treatment

‍Road infrastructure

Electrical work

Sanitary installations



The​ supervision‍ services will ⁢ensure that these components are built to ⁣the‍ highest standards, meeting‌ the needs ‌of port users and contributing to the overall‍ efficiency of the terminal.

Upcoming Call for Tenders for Works

In addition to the supervision services, the MOPC is scheduled to launch a call for tenders for the works on Monday,⁣ September⁤ 16.‍ This international ⁣public tender, published on ⁣the DNCP portal with‌ ID No. 450,624, will attract bids⁤ from contractors interested‌ in building ⁢the cargo port terminal.

The development of ‌the cargo port ‌terminal in Presidente Franco is a critical infrastructure project that will have a positive impact on‍ the‌ economy and communities ​in Paraguay and‌ the region. The government’s commitment to enhancing logistics capacity is a step in the right direction, and⁤ the supervision ⁢of the ⁢terminal will play a vital ⁤role⁤ in ensuring its successful implementation.

The efficiency of cargo transportation in the region.

Title: MOPC Receives Four Bids for Supervision of Presidente Franco Cargo Port Terminal’s Second Phase

Meta Description: The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) receives four bids for the supervision of the second phase of the cargo port terminal of the National Navigation and Ports Administration (ANNP) in Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná department.

Header Tags:

H1: MOPC Receives Four Bids for Supervision of Presidente Franco Cargo Port Terminal’s Second Phase

H2: Four Consortiums Compete for the Tender

H2: The Tender’s Objectives and Scope

H2: The Second Phase of the Cargo Port Terminal

The Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) has received four bids for the supervision of the second phase of the cargo port terminal of the National Navigation and Ports Administration (ANNP) in Presidente Franco, Alto Paraná department. This tender marks a significant step towards the transformation of local and regional logistics capacity, as part of the Eastern Metropolitan Corridor (CMDE) project and the Paraguay-Brazil Integration Bridge.

Four Consortiums Compete for the Tender

The four bidding consortiums are:

Integration Consortium (Tecno Consulting Group SA – Quality Engineering and Consulting SA)

Port Management Consortium (Control SA – GEPG SA)

TRSA – Tecma Consortium (Tomás Robert Sosa Aguilera – Technology and Environment Engineering and Consulting SA)

Cialpa – Vicicon Consortium (Alto Paraguay Engineering Consultant and Public Limited Company – Vicicon Public Limited Company)

These consortiums will compete for the tender, which aims to oversee the supervision of several essential components for the operation of the terminal, including the truck control platform, residential buildings, warehouses, reinforcement of the perimeter fence, offices for dispatchers, and wastewater treatment. Additionally, the consultancy will cover road infrastructure, electrical work, sanitary installations, signage, and gardening.

The Tender’s Objectives and Scope

The tender’s main objectives are to ensure the successful completion of the cargo port terminal’s second phase and to improve the logistics capacity of the region. The project’s scope includes the supervision of various critical components, which will enable the terminal to operate efficiently and effectively.

The Second Phase of the Cargo Port Terminal

The second phase of the cargo port terminal aims to complete the infrastructure of the ANNP Port Cargo Terminal, which is currently being built by the CET Consortium. With the opening of the Integration Bridge between Presidente Franco and Foz de Yguazú, a flow of around 1,000 trucks per day is expected through this terminal. The terminal will also house joint border controls between Paraguay and Brazil, which will contribute to improving



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