‘Battery Mister’ stock account revealed… ecopro returns

2023-08-05 06:05:00

‘Battery Mister’ Park Soon-hyeok, former public relations director of Geumyang. [사진 유튜브 ‘웅달 책방’ 캡처]

[이코노미스트 마켓in 홍다원 기자] Park Soon-hyeok, former public relations director of Geumyang, who has been supported by individual investors while leading the secondary battery craze, has revealed his stock balance.

On the afternoon of the 3rd, ‘Never miss this stock’ posted on the YouTube channel ‘Wungdal Bookstore’. In the video ‘I will disclose my account’, former director Park revealed his stock account balance as of July 30th.

Park, a former analyst at Daehan Investment Trust (currently Hana Securities), has recently emphasized the growth potential of the secondary battery industry on YouTube and other platforms.

The total rate of return of former director Park’s account, which was mainly composed of secondary battery stocks, was 85.5%. Looking at the account, it invested 450 million won and reaped a total profit of 385.61 million won. The stock balance exceeded 836.7 million won.

Stock account balance of former director Park as of July 30th. [사진 유튜브 ‘웅달 책방’ 캡처]

Ecopro (086520) recorded the highest rate of return in former director Park’s account. EcoPro’s yield reached 552.20%. Director Park bought EcoPro at an average unit price of 169,272 won. The number of EcoPro holdings is 300 shares, and the current stock valuation is 280.41 million won.

Excluding POSCO Future M (003670), POSCO Holdings (005490), LG Chem (051910), Ecopro, SK Innovation (096770), Nano New Materials (121600), Ecopro BM (247540), Invested in a total of seven companies, including LG Energy Solutions (373220).

In addition, it was found that Mirae Asset invested nearly 200 million won in ETF (Exchange Fund) ‘TIGER Secondary Battery Material Fn’. This fund, launched last month, is a product that focuses on investing in secondary battery cathode material companies such as Ecopro BM. The weighting of cathode materials is 90%, the highest among rechargeable battery ETFs listed in Korea.

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Next, it invested in three places: Posco Holdings (51.41 million won), Ecopro BM (51.31 million won), and Ecopro (50.78 million won). Next, it is investing about 45 million won in LG Chem, 20 million won each in LG Energy Solutions and SK Innovation, and about 12 million won in new nano materials.

Finally, the importance of diversification was emphasized. It means to look at something different among secondary battery stocks rather than stocks that have led the market, such as EcoPro. Former director Park explained, “Because it is dangerous to focus on only one stock, the ratio of investing in one stock should not exceed 40%.”

He said, “Sell the semiconductor stock quickly,” and said, “Samsung Electronics is too heavy, and it is the semiconductor material manager that has been floating recently, but the performance deterioration continues in the semiconductor material manager field.”

ⓒThe Economist (“Economic News for Tomorrow” Unauthorized copying and redistribution prohibited)

#Battery #Mister #stock #account #revealed.. #ecopro #returns

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