Basketball/Elite. Jackson signs a masterpiece for the maintenance

After Choir of Roanne-Strasbourg


Loren Jackson is atypical. Small (1.73m), physically frail, his offensive talent had cracked Jean-Denys Choulet to recruit him. This incredible action is in the illustration. There is only a virtuoso who at 87-87 can afford such an action, with the risk of attempting a three-point basket where he does not particularly excel (30.4% success, 49/161) rather than to go to the circle.

Pure class

Sometimes the logic is not to be. We explain. Loren Jackson is a virtuoso of slaloms in the snowshoe to go to the circle. In the worst case, he causes a fault and he is a throwing specialist (85.4%, 134/157). It’s even the 3 e championship player to get as many throws, behind Bibbins (Pau) and Cummings (Boulogne-Levallois) with two more throws!

Add to that that the Little Prince is a repeat offender. He has already signed two other victories,…



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