Basket restaurant in Charleville-Mézières: they leave without paying, the restaurant posts them on Facebook

The Great Restaurant Escape: A Rant with a Side of Humor

Ah, the delightful Le Wagon in Charleville-Mézières, where the food might be unforgettable, but the bill? Not so much! Welcome to the world of dining out, where some individuals make a daring escape—not on foot, but on a plate of pasta! Now, let’s dive into the scrumptious drama that unfolded recently.

A Not-So-Sweet Taste of Dishonesty

Picture this: you’ve opened a brand-new restaurant, probably filled with excitement, dreams, and aspirations of becoming the next Gordon Ramsay. Then, out of nowhere, you find yourself the victim of the “basketball restaurant” trend—otherwise known as consuming your food and leaving as if you’re a contestant on a culinary game show, without a care in the world for the tab you’re racking up. It’s less “Bon appétit” and more “Bon voyage!”

“Since our opening, it is regrettable to see that this type of dishonest behavior has been happening again.”

As the Le Wagon team quickly learned, sometimes the kitchen is the most dangerous venue of all—especially when it comes to the money! With their righteous indignation, they decided to take matters into their own hands. They put out a call on Facebook that was practically begging for a social media army to march on their behalf. A rallying cry heard ‘round the internet!

Cameras, Action, and a Hint of Legal Trouble

Here’s where it gets juicy. Le Wagon resorted to using their security cameras to put these gastronomical bandits on blast. Their approach was equal parts desperate and ingenious:

  • They gave the offenders a 24-hour ultimatum to return and pay for their meal—as if dining out were a hostage negotiation!
  • They threatened to publish high-definition photos of the culprits. You know, because nothing strikes fear into the heart of a diner quite like the thought of being infamous on Facebook!

And let’s be real: while their tactics might not win them any awards for legality, they certainly clenched the heartstrings of their community!

The Sweet Taste of Victory

Miraculously, their social media plea paid off. Following the community’s intervention, the identities of the sneaky diners were uncovered faster than you can say “dine and dash,” and payment was returned. Now that’s what I call the ultimate comeback story!

“Your solidarity makes all the difference.”

The Le Wagon team jubilantly thanked their “internet superheroes,” proving that sometimes all it takes is a good old-fashioned social media rant. That, folks, is some vintage *pub-style justice* blended with the power of communal outrage. So next time you plunk down your credit card at a restaurant, remember: your food’s is not a free-for-all, and *never* underestimate the power of social media! One minute you’re enjoying dessert, and the next, you’re immortalized as the bad guy in high-definition.

Conclusion: A Lesson for Everyone

In a world full of culinary thieves, and those who think it’s OK to skip out on paying the bill, let this be a lesson to us all: dining out should be more about enjoying good food and less about the next epic escape room challenge! So remember, folks, when you take a seat, watch out for more than just the meal on your plate—you might just be the star of the latest restaurant drama!

A publication on social networks which is not necessarily legal, but which corresponds to a real frustration among traders. Published: October 16, 2024 at 12:04 p.m. Reading time: 1 min

A new restaurant victim of a “basketball restaurant”, a practice which consists of leaving without paying after having consumed. On Facebook, the Le Wagon team, in Charleville-Mézières, raised a rant, which ended up paying off.

“Since our opening, it is regrettable to see that this type of dishonest behavior has been happening again. However, this time, we will not let this pass,” assures the Le Wagon team in a publication spotted by our colleagues at The Ardennes.

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“We captured images of the people in question using our security cameras. We give them 24 hours to return to the restaurant and regularize their situation. If this deadline is not respected, high definition photos of the two people, particularly the lady, will be published, and we will also notify other establishments in the region so that they can be vigilant.”

The publication is not necessarily legal, because it is prohibited to broadcast videos of people in a private place without their consent, but it bore fruit.

In the evening, le Wagon updated its publication: “Following the support and help of our Internet users, we have finally identified these people. We are delighted to announce that we have been able to recover our payments. A big thank you to everyone who supported us in this situation! Your solidarity makes all the difference. »

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