Barley Rice Prices in Egypt Decrease: Latest Updates and Market Trends

2023-11-25 07:07:28

Recent searches by consumers in Egypt to know the prices of barley rice today have increased. The prices of the famous rice have witnessed a noticeable decline today in all markets and commercial outlets. Barley rice is considered one of the important food products that many citizens are searching for. The prices of rice barley have also decreased today in Egypt. At a value of 100 pounds per kilo, it is one of the products that no Egyptian home is without. In this article, we will learn regarding the prices of barley rice today in markets and commercial outlets.

Barley rice prices today

Barley rice prices decreased today, Saturday, November 25, 2023, and a ton of barley rice today recorded a value of 13 thousand pounds, following prices decreased with the beginning of the harvest season. A ton of barley rice today recorded a value of 13 thousand pounds, with expectations that it will decrease over the coming days following the start of the harvest season. In addition, the price of a ton of white rice today reached between 30 thousand and 38 thousand pounds, which witnessed a significant decrease of 13 thousand pounds per ton of barley rice. Dr. Magdy El-Welily added that rice prices declined during the month of October last between 500 and 700 pounds per ton compared to their levels during the months. past.

The price of white rice today, Saturday

Today, Saturday, the price of broad-grain rice decreased by 3%, at a value of 600 pounds, bringing the price of a ton today to regarding 27,900 pounds. The price of fine-grain rice also decreased by 5%, bringing the price of a ton to a value of 26,400 pounds, instead of 26,300 pounds, following it rose by 100 pounds. The price of a kilo of rice for the consumer has also reached 25 pounds today in all markets and outlets, and it is expected that the prices of the famous rice will decrease in the coming period, following the government’s recent initiative to reduce the prices of products to make it easier for citizens.

It is worth noting that the head of the Rice Division of the Federation of Industries confirmed that rice prices have decreased at the present time, following the harvest season ended and most farmers supplied rice to the mills, which is provided to all citizens at reduced prices.

Packaged white rice price

The price of packaged white rice fell today, Saturday, to between 20 and 23 pounds per kilo, instead of 30 and 35 pounds per kilo in the markets.

The price of packaged lentils today is in sixpence

The price of lentils today, Saturday, November 25, 2023, reached 49.91 pounds.

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#price..Barley #rice #prices #today #Saturday #November #consumer #local #markets

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