Bareskrim Launches Investigation into Spreader of False Rumors Regarding Azizah Salsha’s Alleged Affair

Bareskrim Begins to Investigate Hoax Spreader About Azizah Salsha’s Affair”/>
Celebrity and wife of footballer Pratama Arhan, Azizah Salsha. (Doc. Azizah Salsha’s Instagram)

The Cyber ​​Crime Directorate (Dittidpidsiber) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit is investigating a case of alleged hoax spreading against Nurul Azizah Salsha alias Zize, the wife of Indonesian National Team player Pratama Arhan. The investigation was carried out by examining a number of reported persons today, Thursday, September 5, 2024.

“Several reported persons were questioned,” said Azizah Salsha’s legal counsel, Egamartadinata when confirmed, Thursday, September 5, 2024.

The examination was conducted at the Bareskrim Polri Building, South Jakarta. However, the exact number of reported persons examined was not mentioned.

Circulating information, Azizah Salsha was also questioned by investigators today. This information was denied by Ega. However, Ega as Azizah Salsha’s attorney will come to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit if needed by investigators.

“(Currently) we are waiting to see if it is needed by investigators,” he said.

However, until now the Directorate of Cyber ​​Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit has not responded to the news until this news was written.

Also read: Profile of Azizah Salsha Andre Rosiade who has only been married to Pratama Arhan for 1 year

For information, Celebrity Nurul Azizah reported a number of social media accounts spreading hoaxes against her to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit last August. The report was received by the (Dittipidsiber) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit with LP Number STTL/292/VIII/2024/BARESKRIM.

“We reported several social media accounts that spread slander and defamed our client, Nurul Azizah,” said Egamarthadinata, in Jakarta, Wednesday evening, August 21, 2024.

Ega asked the police to take firm action against a number of accounts on social media that spread slander that has harmed his client. He reported the accounts that spread the slander with suspicion of Article 45 Paragraph 4 in conjunction with Article 27A of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) and or Article 310 of the Criminal Code and Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

Also read: Pratama Arhan Hit by Unpleasant Issues Ahead of 2026 World Cup Qualification

“There are many accounts that spread slander, but we are eliminating them, especially accounts that create threads or many posts that become references for other social media accounts to update their status,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Azizah on her personal social media account has provided clarification regarding the issue that hit her household with Pratama Arhan that has spread widely in the community. She also asked that there be no more individuals who spread hoaxes and slander against her.

“We hope that you do not spread false news or slander out there that is not in accordance with the facts. Please pray for the best for both of us and please give us privacy during this time. Sorry for the commotion that has occurred. Thank you for your understanding,” he said. (Z-9)

#Bareskrim #Begins #Investigate #Hoax #Spreader #Azizah #Salshas #Affair
Investigation into Azizah Salsha’s Hoax Spreader Case Begins

The Cyber Crime Directorate of ‍the National‌ Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) has initiated an investigation into the alleged hoax spreading case against Nurul Azizah Salsha, the wife of Indonesian National Team player Pratama Arhan. The investigation, which began on September 5, 2024, involves examining ‌several reported individuals.

Background of the Case

Last month, Azizah Salsha’s legal counsel, Egamartadinata, reported several social media accounts to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit for spreading hoaxes and⁤ slandering Azizah. The report was received by the Directorate of Cyber Crimes ​with LP Number STTL/292/VIII/2024/BARESKRIM.

Investigation Underway

According to Egamartadinata, several reported persons were questioned by investigators at the Bareskrim Polri Building in South Jakarta. Although the exact number‍ of individuals examined was not disclosed,​ it is clear⁤ that the investigation is ongoing.

Azizah Salsha’s Involvement

Contrary to circulating information, Azizah Salsha’s legal counsel, Egamartadinata, ⁢denied that ‌Azizah was questioned by investigators. However, Ega stated that he would attend the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit if needed by investigators.

National Police Criminal Investigation Unit’s Response

As of now, the Directorate of⁣ Cyber Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit has not responded to​ the news.

Profile ⁤of Azizah Salsha

Azizah Salsha, a celebrity and wife ⁢of Pratama Arhan, has been married for only a year. She⁣ is a public figure with a significant following on social media.

Previous Reports

In August, ‍Azizah Salsha ‌reported several social media ‍accounts to the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit for spreading hoaxes against her. Her legal counsel, Egamartadinata, asked the‍ police to take firm⁤ action against the accounts that spread slander and⁣ defamed Azizah.

Legal Proceedings

The reported accounts ‍are suspected of violating Article 45 Paragraph 4 in conjunction with Article ⁢27A of Law of the Republic ⁤of Indonesia ⁣Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law of the Republic of⁤ Indonesia Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and⁣ Electronic Transactions (ITE) and or Article 310 ‍of the Criminal Code and Article 311 of the Criminal Code.

Pratama Arhan’s Involvement

This investigation comes at a ⁢sensitive time for Pratama Arhan, who is facing unpleasant issues ahead of the 2026 ‍World‌ Cup Qualification.

Azizah’s Clarification

Azizah Salsha has provided clarification regarding the hoax spread ⁣on her personal ​social media account.


The investigation into Azizah Salsha’s hoax‍ spreading case ‍is ongoing, with several reported individuals being questioned by investigators. The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit is working to address the issue and take firm action⁢ against those responsible for spreading hoaxes and slandering Azizah.

SEO‌ Keywords: Azizah Salsha, Pratama Arhan, Hoax Spreader, Cyber Crime Directorate, National Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Bareskrim, Investigation, Social Media Accounts, Slander, Defamation, Law of the Republic of Indonesia, ITE, Criminal Code.



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