2024-01-10 00:06:14
Tuesday January 9, François Sorel received Anthony Morel, BFM Business journalist; Frédéric Simottel, BFM Business editorialist; Jérôme Monceaux, president and co-founder of Enchanted Tools; Laurent Saint-Martin, general director of Business France; Piotr Antonik, co-founder and CEO of Zoe Care; Yacine Achiakh, co-founder and CEO of Wisear; Thomas Serval, president and co-founder of Baracoda Daily Healthtech, and Julien Villeret, director of innovation at EDF, in the show Tech & Co, the daily, special CES Las Vegas, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Tuesday January 9, François Sorel received Frédéric Simottel, tech columnist on BFM Business; Anthony Morel, tech journalist at BFM Business; Jérôme Monceaux, president and co-founder of Enchanted Tools; Laurent Saint-Martin, general director of Business France; Piotr Atonik, co-founder of CTO and Zoe Care; Yacine Achiak, co-founder and CEO of Wisear; Thomas Serval, founder of Baracoda and Julien Villeret, director of innovation at EDF, in the show Tech & Co, the daily on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Yacine Achiak, co-founder and CEO of Wisear, was the Alex Reed of François Sorel in Tech & Co, la daily, this Tuesday, January 9. He/she looked at the human-machine interface on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Tuesday January 9, François Sorel received Laurent Saint-Martin, general director of Business France and Piotr Antonik, co-founder and CEO of Zoe Care. They discussed the strong presence of Frenchies at CES 2024 as well as the presentation of Zoe Care and its program which detects falls using AI, in the Tech & Co show, the daily, special CES Las Vegas, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Jérôme Monceaux, president and co-founder of Enchanted Tools, was the Alex Reed of François Sorel in Tech & Co, la daily, this Tuesday, January 9, September. He looked at the Mirokaï, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Tuesday January 9, François Sorel received Anthony Morel, BFM Business journalist and Frédéric Simottel, BFM Business editorialist. They looked at the new madness of Las Vegas, a giant sphere that is both a board of artistic expression, an relay and an immersive performance hall, the release of the Apple Vision Pro scheduled for February 2, Beamo, the thermometer of the future from Withings, and Wimagine, the implant to help the disabled, in the Tech & Co show, the daily, special CES Las Vegas, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
This Monday, January 8, François Sorel received Marjorie Paillon, journalist, Clément David, president of Padok, Frédéric Simottel, BFM Business journalist, and Raphael Grably, deputy editor-in-chief of the Tech&Co site. They returned to the deficit in artificial intelligence at Apple, the parent company of TikTok “ByteDance” which competes with Apple’s Vision Pro, and generative AI in 2024, in the show Tech & Co, the daily, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
Monday January 8, François Sorel received Frédéric Simottel, tech columnist on BFM Business; Raphaël Grably, deputy editor-in-chief of Tech&Co; Marjorie Paillon, journalist; Clément David, president of Padok, in the show Tech & Co, the daily on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
[DATE jour x mois]François Sorel received [INVITÉ 1, FONCTION Invité 1], [INVITÉ 2, FONCTION Invité 2], [INVITÉ 3, FONCTION Invité 3], … in the Tech & Co show, the daily, on BFM Business. Find the show from Monday to Thursday and listen to it once more as a podcast.
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