Bappebti Releases Futures Broker Ratings for April-June 2024 Period

Head of Bappebti, Kasan.(Antara)

The Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti) is implementing periodic assessments (ratings) for futures brokers for the period April-June 2024.

Head of Bappebti Kasan said that performance assessment with criteria is expected to improve the quality of futures brokers under Bappebti’s supervision.

“The assessment is carried out based on the results of supervision by the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Bureau (PBK), Warehouse Receipt System (SRG), and Commodity Auction Market (PLK). The assessment for the April-June 2024 period has been prepared and can be a reference for PBK customers and prospective customers,” said Kasan in a statement in Jakarta, Friday (23/8).

Kasan said that the basis for the periodic assessment of futures brokers is Bappebti Regulation Number 6 of 2023 in Article 34A paragraph (1) concerning the ranking of the implementation of business activities of participants in the alternative trading system.

Meanwhile, Head of the PBK, SRG, and PLK Supervision Bureau, Widiastuti, explained that the periodic assessment for the April-June 2024 period had been carried out on 63 active companies, excluding five whose business licenses were currently frozen.

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Based on the results of the periodic assessment (rating) of Futures Brokers, the companies that received the top five rankings were PT Dupoin Futures Indonesia (formerly PT Deu Calion Futures), PT Finex Bisnis Solusi Futures, PT MRG Mega Berjangka, PT International Mitra Futures, and PT Monex Investindo Futures.

There are three parameters in the periodic assessment of futures brokers for the period April-June 2024. First, the performance of futures brokers with a maximum total value of 70 percent covering five aspects.

The five aspects include the results of supervision of futures broker activity reports, results of integrity supervision, results of supervision of futures broker transactions, handling of customer complaints, and assessment of the implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing (APU PPT) in the second quarter of 2024.

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Second, public assessment with a total maximum value of 30 percent through the distribution of questionnaires to customers as respondents. Customer data is obtained from the online complaint system managed by the Bureau of Legislation and Enforcement and from the Information Service (LINI Bappebti) managed by the Bappebti Secretariat.

Third, the reduction value with a maximum total of 30%. This reduction value is to facilitate aspects that are not yet included in the Futures Broker Performance points obtained from the results of field supervision.

“The data source used in compiling this rating comes from futures broker reporting data submitted to Bappebti including financial reports, activity reports, transaction reports, and assessments of APU PPT implementation for Q2 2024,” said Widiastuti. (Ant/N-2)

#Bappebti #Releases #Futures #Broker #Ratings #AprilJune #Period



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