Baoji Municipal People’s Government Portal County District News Weibin District held the government system “three-year” activity and key work arrangement promotion meeting

Weibin District held the “three-year” activities of the government system and the promotion meeting of key work arrangements

Source: People’s Government of Weibin District
Release time: 2023-02-22 11:33

On the morning of February 20th, Weibin District held the “Three Years” activity of the government system and the key work arrangement promotion meeting to implement the spirit of the provincial, municipal and district committee plenary sessions and the “two sessions” and further arrange the deployment of the “Three Years” of the government system For activities and key tasks, 105 major projects, 270 key tasks, and 66 highlight brand creation tasks are decomposed and assigned through the “three lists” to ensure that all tasks are benchmarked and implemented. District Mayor Wu Yuxin attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Executive Deputy District Mayor Miao Kun, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Deputy District Mayor Wang Yaqin, Deputy District Mayors Liao Xiaoxia, Zhao Yingkai, Miao Shengli, Wang Bin, Zhao Yibo, and Wei Xinlin attended the meeting.

Wu Yuxin pointed out that the “Three Years” campaign is a practical measure to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the “Five Requirements” and “Five Solids”, focus on the “Five Excellences” and strive for modernization. It is very important for a job to get off to a good start and hand in the papers. The government system of the whole district should take the “three-year” activities as the starting point, take the implementation of the “three lists” of major projects, key tasks, and the creation of highlight brands as its own responsibility, and work hard with the spirit of hard work and striving for first-class Go all out to focus on the economy, optimize the environment, and change the style of work, strive for a good start, a decisive victory for the whole year, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Weibin!

Wu Yuxin emphasized that it is necessary to recognize the situation, improve the position, and quickly “tighten up”. Carrying out the “Three Years” campaign is a requirement for implementing political tasks. The activity conveyed the clear direction of fully focusing on the economy and striving for development, and issued a mobilization order to focus on projects, the environment, and efficiency. All towns, streets, and departments must give top priority to the implementation of politics, and in the state of “sprinting at the beginning, and decisive battle at the beginning”, they must move, work, and fight in an all-round way. It is the requirement of the people of the whole region for high-quality development. Judging from the completion of the indicators of regional economic and social development last year, there are still some shortcomings in the development of our district. All towns, streets, and departments should compare key assessment indicators, identify their own weaknesses, strengthen goal orientation, refine and break down, and implement them well. It is the requirement of the competition among the whole country, the whole province and the whole city. Faced with the competitive atmosphere of chasing each other and competing for the first place, all towns, streets and departments must clearly understand the severe situation that the pacesetters are drifting away and the pursuers are getting closer, and immediately get tense and act, aim at the set goals, and activate With resource advantages, we will do a good job in the implementation of various tasks with the spirit of nailing.

Wu Yuxin emphasized that it is necessary to clarify thinking, focus on key points, and “run” quickly. We must strengthen top-level planning. Benchmark the first-class in the whole country, the whole province, and the city, thoroughly understand the policies of superiors, study and plan work, use systematic thinking to grasp the direction of work, and achieve actual results, so that regional development has a series of measures as the starting point, and key tasks have specific projects as the starting point support. Do a good job in the preliminary work. Timely study and study the decision-making deployment, policy requirements and work priorities of the provinces and cities, and strive to solve the difficulties and blockages of work lag, so as to ensure that the competition is in place, the funds are in place, and the project elements are in place, so as to ensure that all work is well-understood and orderly. To focus on key tasks. With key indicators as the core, and according to the “three lists” of key tasks, the implementation plan, action plan, and task list are formulated, which not only make overall plans and comprehensively promote them, but also highlight key points and identify the center. With great courage, firm determination, and pragmatic The style of work, support large projects, and optimize the development environment.

Wu Yuxin emphasized that it is necessary to change the style of work, improve the ability, and quickly become “strict”. Be diligent in studying and running. We must maintain a modest and prudent style of work, always be alert to panic and lack of ability, take the initiative to learn from the masses, learn from the grassroots, and learn from practice, continuously enhance the ability to serve the masses, prevent and resolve risks, and promote high-quality development, and take responsibility with strong capabilities The important task of high-quality development. It is necessary to work hard and seek practical results. It is necessary to carry forward the orientation of “practical performance and practical achievements to discuss heroes”. When looking for a job, you must be realistic and meticulous, and do your job to perfection. Be in awe of the law and know the rules. Firmly establish the bottom-line thinking, set up the red line, guard the line of defense, persevere in rectifying the style of work, vigorously promote the “diligence, strictness, precision, integrity” style of work, and completely eliminate the problem of “laziness, sloppyness, and superficiality”, and provide a solid guarantee for high-quality development with a good style of work .

At the meeting, Miao Kun, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and executive deputy head of the district, explained the revision of the assessment method for the points system for key government work; the deputy head of the district made arrangements for the key tasks in charge; The Rural Bureau, Shigu Town, and Jinger Road Office made statements respectively.

All towns and streets, various departments of the district government, and all administrative units directly under the district, and responsible comrades at the department level of the internal institutions of the Tiantai Mountain Management Committee, Nanshan Construction Committee, and Jiangtan Economic and Technological Development Zone Management Committee attended the meeting; Comrades in charge of the Organization Department, the Propaganda Department of the District Party Committee, the Political and Legal Committee of the District Party Committee, and the work consultants of the district government attended the meeting.

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