Aluminé’s meadows or mountain baths: how to stay healthy, according to hiking expert Agustín Marconi

2024-08-18 22:07:00

The Spanish Juanjo Garbizu, one of the pioneers of the global Slow Mountain movement and most recently author of Monterapia: Uphill You Think Better (Diëresis Press), insist in the article Hiking through the mountains is an experience that provides us with a wealth of wisdom about friendship, loneliness, trust, the speed of time, and the need for pauses in life..

For him, speed and mountains are two conflicting issues: “It’s not about reaching I don’t know how many hundreds or thousands of meters without oxygen, and it’s not about getting there before everyone else,” he said.

Around Aluminé, a group of neighbors and tourists led by Agustín Marconi.

For him, going out for a walk, in short, is to follow everyone’s rhythm without any complex, “enjoy the open space, enjoy the sky, enjoy the sunshine.” “Eating an orange will taste different from before.”

Everything is new on the mountain. The brain works at a more efficient and creative speed. Ancient Greek philosophers already knew this, taking their problems for a walk and looking for solutions or relativizing them.

“We have to get over the worry.” This is the motto of another expert who walks in the beautiful places of Aluminé, Agustín Marconi (32), founder of the hiking businessFor many years he has led hiking groups through the region’s prairies, hills and mountains.

“Go into nature and reconnect”: this is an invitation to “wellness”. Visit Aluminé here.

“When you climb a mountain or walk along a trail, you leave your worries behind, they lose gravity and you think they are small, very small.”he reflected.

Augustine points out that, indeed, everyone comes here with a different purpose or focus. “Some people are just looking for fun, meeting new people, training for a higher purpose, breathing fresh air… But they are all united by the same thing: discovering and connecting with nature,” the interviewee noted.

Scientific proof, for example, Walking through the forest reduces cortisol, the hormone that precedes depression. When climbing mountains, the right hemisphere of the brain is activated, enhancing intuition and creativity.

At one stop on the route proposed by Agustín Marconi, hikers wanted their personal record.

“For those looking for something more demanding, we do more difficult and demanding climbs, like Chachil, Cachil, Llorón and Melun Mountains or Cordón del Catan Liland other options,” he commented.

It also recommends building short routes around towns, such as to Cañadón de los Cipreses, hike to Cerro Chachil and the lagoon. In spring and summer, there are walking trails in Lanín National Park, Cerro Rica Choroy and Huella Andina.

At the age of 15, Agustín started walking around Aluminé with his friends. “I love going on adventures with them. Ricardo Solano, neighbor and friendHe was the one who took my first steps in the mountains and allowed me to enjoy it, learn from it and understand it,” he recalls.

Courtesy: Augustin Marconi

After graduating from junior high school He studied at the Provincial School of Alpine and Hiking Guides in Mendoza. “I appreciate many of the teachings and learnings in this e-coursePublic school with over 30 years of experience. In the future I would like to continue studying at this institution to obtain the title of mountain guide. My activities require ongoing and updated training to provide greater security. Now I learn wilderness first aid, rescue, training, etc.

He firmly believes that when one enters nature, “you return to the origins of life, where it is possible to heal and harmonize many aspects of ourselves.”

No need to be too mysterious, Augustine could and did know how to list the physical benefits of walking, forest bathing, or mountain bathing. List:

– They reduce the activity of the sympathetic nervous system (causing stress).

– They increase activity of the parasympathetic nervous system (leading to a feeling of rest).

– They can reduce high blood pressure.

– Strengthens the immune system.

– They provide greater breathing capacity.

– They can lower heart rate and blood pressure.

– Decreased blood sugar levels.

– They make us feel more positive and energetic.

– Reduced levels of stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression…

… Augustine continues to be listed.

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“The group I lead ranges from 18 to 65 years old. Although the 68-year-old also participates in the training, he likes to go out. His age is not a restriction to participate, but an incentive and motivation to participate.” Others saw her walking And overcome every adventure,” he shared.

What is the technology that enables all these benefits? Quite simply, Augustine concluded: “You just have to enter a path, a forest, a meadow, a mountain or a city park, walk, sit, stretch, observe the natural environment, feel and enjoy the silence and sounds of the place, and smell the sounds on the road. Flowers and trees, take a deep breath and then go home, be gentle.

Located in Aluminé, one of the many hiking excursions in the area.

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Learn more about Augustin Marconi

“I was born in La Plata and grew up in Aluni. My family is so lucky to have chosen Neuquen as a small town to live in!

“I was also lucky to have as a good friend and neighbor Ricardo Solano, who was passionate about mountain hiking and activities related to it. When I was a teenager I started walking with him, walking Passed many trails and climbed incredible mountains in the Aluminé sector, and to this day he is still with me and sharing his knowledge with me.”

“My friends, who in my teenage years always accompanied me on the adventures this meant. We enjoyed meeting new places and exposing ourselves to new challenges. I remember Franco, Marty, Rami , Miguel, Guille, Hugo and Alan.

“Mountains always make you make new good friends, and today I continued walking and learning from new friends.”

“Friendships are a huge asset to me. They make me grow and become a better person… People like Rodolfo Pepa, Martin Quintana, Leopoldo Contreras, Pancho ·Oliviera, Mauro Solano, Nehun Posame and many more people I don’t want to stop remembering and all the people I met while studying for my technical degree with a wealth of experience. , I learned a lot with them.

“Currently, we have a training group out every Saturday, open to residents of the town and tourists visiting the town, and we go on excursions to try to get to know every nook and cranny of our town. Every season of the year All have their beauty, and at this time of winter the scenery is completely different, clothed in white, rivers and streams filled with water, and waterfalls at their best.

Confirmed Image: Walking 10,000 steps a day is ideal, but it also depends on how we walk

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