Bankruptcy of millions: traditional construction company is insolvent |

Bankruptcy proceedings against “Stadtbaumeister Wagner + Partner Consulting GmbH” were opened at the Salzburg regional court on Friday. According to KSV1870, the liabilities amount to 2.83 million euros, around 120 creditors are affected. The amount of assets has not yet been precisely determined. A renovation is being sought.

The company offers planning, construction management and management for construction projects and, in addition to new buildings, has made a name for itself primarily with the renovation of listed properties in Salzburg’s old town. The debtor cites surprising bad debts and delayed payments on various construction projects as the cause of the insolvency. The company is currently being continued; according to KSV1870, a restructuring appears to be realistic from the management’s perspective. At the same time, discussions are likely to be held with possible investors.


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