BANKING WORKERS STRIKE | Massive strike in the bank, with its employees and consultants on a war footing

The bank live this Friday a massive day of strikewith the employees of the banking entities and one of their main consulting firms DXC, which maintains the applications of CaixaBank y Banco Sabadell, up in arms. The unions estimate the monitoring of the protests at more than 70% and warn that these might have an impact on telematic banking services or cash withdrawals at ATMs.

After a 2023 in which financial entities have, for the most part, recorded record profits, workers in the sector demand that the current moment of prosperity also be reflected in their payrolls. According to CCOO, UGT and FINE, the organizing centers, some 80,000 people – the equivalent of 75.8% of the workforce – are supporting the strike.

The protests of bank employees are added to those of one of its main consulting firms, DXC. The IT of this corporation this Friday enters its second day of strike following tracking the 70% during their first day of strikes, as quantified by the unions. The template of 7,500 employees of the consulting firm is called to stop by CGT, CCOO, CSI, USO, Intersindical-CSC and part of the UGT delegates to demand salary improvements.

The multinational DXC offers computer services to large Spanish operators, from banks such as CaixaBank o Banco Sabadelleven energy firms such as Naturgy or the sale of telematic tickets Renfe. They maintain their web applications and protests can lead to unresolved incidents in their services. Users consulted by this medium claim to have had problems this past Thursday, the first day of the strike, to buy tickets on Renfe, although similar incidents are replicated on other days in which there has been no strike at DXC.

The strike at DXC is a question of wages and approaches between management and the unions have so far been unsuccessful. The centers with representation in the company estimate that the staff has lost 17% purchasing power since covid broke out. To force the company to negotiate increases that alleviate this loss of purchasing power, the plants have called for more strike days. As of today and unless there is an agreement to deactivate them, there are strikes called in DXC on days April 29 and 30 y June 3, 4 and 5.

Although in recent years average salary increases have been below inflation levels, the degree of labor conflict in Catalonia is one of the lowest in recent years. According to data collected by the Labor Department of the Generalitat, between January and November 2023, a total of 789,461 hours of work were lost due to labor conflicts. It is the lowest figure since 2017.



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