bank credit increases by 5% in August 2022

Bank credit to the non-financial sector increased by 5% in August, with an acceleration in the growth of loans to private companies at 9% and a stagnation in the growth of loans to households at 3.4%, indicates Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM).

By economic purpose, the evolution of bank credit to the non-financial sector reflects the improvement in the growth of all its components, specifies BAM in its key indicators of monetary statistics for the month of August 2022.

Indeed, cash facilities increased by 15.4%, real estate loans by 2.4% and consumer loans by 3.2%. For their part, equipment loans saw their decline ease to 1.2% following 1.6%, essentially reflecting the rise, of 3.9% following 2%, in loans granted to private companies.

With regard to non-performing loans (CES), their growth rate stabilized at 5.3% and the ratio of CES to bank credit remained unchanged at 8.7%.

On a monthly basis, bank credit to the non-financial sector showed a monthly increase of 0.4%, reflecting an increase in cash facilities by 1.3% and consumer credit by 0.3%. Home loans remained almost stable from one month to another, while equipment loans fell by 0.4%.

With MAP



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