Bangkok: This taxi driver is never allowed to pick up guests from the airport again


Because of this list, he’s never allowed to pick up taxi passengers from the airport again

A driver was banned for life from working at Suvarnabhumi International Airport for not using the taximeter and instead using fake flat-rate fares.


In Bangkok, a fraudulent taxi driver was banned for life from picking up guests at Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

imago images/Xinhua

  • A taxi driver has been banned for life from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi International Airport.

  • He is said to have cheated a visitor from Taiwan out of more than a thousand baht.

  • Instead of a – actually obligatory – taximeter, he used a list of fake all-inclusive prices.

  • The airport management has now also applied for the withdrawal of his taxi license.

Taxis are expensive, everyone knows that. The fun gets even more expensive, when a fraudulent taxi driver is behind the wheel and, instead of using a taximeter, charges fake and inflated all-inclusive prices. Received precisely because of this offense a Thai taxi driver issued a lifetime ban on picking up passengers at Suvarnabhumi International Airport. In addition, he is threatened with the withdrawal of his taxi license, as the German-language newspaper “Der Farang” reports.

The taxi driver in question scammed a Taiwanese visitor out of over a thousand baht (about 30 francs). For a ride from Suvarnabhumi International Airport to downtown Bangkok, the scammer charged his customer a flat rate of 1200-1500 baht. As a basis for this, he used a list of fake flat-rate prices. With a regular taximeter, the trip would have only cost around 300 baht.

Taximeters are actually a requirement

The airport operator Airport of Thailand (AOT) became aware of the fraud via a Facebook post. There, a page that translated means “Tourism News” shared the fate of the Taiwanese visitor and also a photo of the fake price list.

“Awkward! A Taiwanese national using the taxi service from Suvarnabhumi Airport had to pay 1,200-1,500 baht to go to central Bangkok. The taxi driver claimed that the airport set the prices,” the post said.

This does not correspond to reality: According to the airport management, taxi drivers are obliged to use a taximeter at all times – regular spot checks are intended to ensure compliance with the guidelines. For this reason, the fraudulent taxi driver was banned from Suvarnabhumi International Airport and will no longer be able to pick up guests there. In addition, the airport management has applied for the withdrawal of his taxi license.

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