Bandung Faces Devastating Flooding and Tree Uprooting Amidst Heavy Rains

A motorbike broke through the flood on Jalan Panorama Lembang, West Bandung Regency some time ago. (MI//DEPI GUNAWAN)

HEAVY RAIN that poured over most of the Bandung area of ​​West Java (Jabar) caused a number of areas to flood. In Bandung Regency, at least four sub-districts were submerged in water and in Bandung City the rain caused two trees to fall, causing long traffic jams amidst the pouring rain that occurred from Tuesday (10/9) to
Wednesday (11/9) early this morning.

Head of the Bandung Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Uka Suska Puji Utama, Wednesday (11/9) said that his party was still recording which areas were flooded. However, temporary reports indicate that several roads in several sub-districts were submerged.

“We received reports that several points were flooded, but several roads are still passable. Currently, BPBD has recorded several locations that experienced flooding,” said Uka.

According to Uka, rain has been falling since the evening and the water discharge is likely to continue to rise, detailed information is currently being collected but it appears that the areas that are usually flooded include Bojongsoang, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot and Katapang Districts.

“However, the flood did not cut off traffic flow, two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles were still able to pass,” he said.

Uka appealed to the public, especially those around rivers and in areas near mountains, to be careful. Because it is an area prone to flooding and landslides during the rainy season.

Also read: BNPB: Floods in Medan Have Started to Recede

“Let’s all be vigilant in our respective environments. It is hoped that water channels will be cleaned of garbage, so that it does not block the water flow which can cause flooding or landslides,” he appealed.

Meanwhile in Bandung City, heavy rain caused two trees to fall on Jalan Ahmad Yani and Jalan Terusan Jakarta in Antapani District.

Head of the Bandung City Fire and Disaster Management Agency, Gun Gun Sumaryana, said that a tree on Jalan Ahmad Yani fell on Wednesday at around 05.10 WIB. The type that fell was a Mahogany tree, with a height of 10 meters and a diameter of 50 centimeters. There were no fatalities, but it caused road access to be blocked.

“While the fallen tree on Jalan Terusan Jakarta occurred at 05.00 WIB, Handling was completed at 06.05 WIB. So it did not disrupt traffic flow. We appeal to residents who need help if there is a disaster to contact the emergency number Emergency Call 113, free of charge,” explained Gun Gun. (H-2)

#Heavy #Rain #Bandung #Caused #Flooding #Overthrew #Poh

Here are some ⁤People Also Ask (PAA) related ​questions for the title “Flooding in Bandung, West Java: Causes, Effects, ⁤and Precautions”:

Flooding in Bandung, West ⁣Java: Causes, Effects, and Precautions

Bandung, the capital city of West Java, Indonesia,​ is ⁤no stranger ​to flooding. The city’s geography, with its high-density developed areas, makes it ​prone to flooding, especially during ⁤the rainy season. In recent years, the city has experienced frequent flooding, resulting in⁤ significant damage to properties, infrastructure, and ‌loss of lives.

Causes of Flooding ​in Bandung

According to, high-density developed areas ⁤in ‍Bandung are more prone to flooding⁤ due to direct rainfall onto the land surface, as concrete surfaces ​force ⁤water‌ to flow over the ground [[1]]. This, combined with the city’s geography, makes it vulnerable‍ to flooding. Additionally, the ⁢rainy season⁤ in Indonesia, which typically ⁤occurs from October to⁤ April, exacerbates the flooding situation⁣ in Bandung.

Effects of ‍Flooding in Bandung

Flooding in Bandung has devastating effects ‌on its ​residents ‍and infrastructure. In May 2021, flooding affected‌ almost 60,000 residents of Bandung Regency, West Java Province, with thousands of homes inundated [[2]]. Moreover, ⁣flash floods and landslides ⁢in West Bandung district have‍ resulted​ in missing​ persons⁣ and damage to⁤ properties [[3]].

The recent ​heavy⁣ rain in Bandung on September‍ 10-11, 2024, caused flooding⁤ in at least four sub-districts in Bandung Regency, with several roads submerged. Although the flood⁣ did not cut off traffic flow, it‍ still presented ⁤a significant disruption to ⁣daily life. In⁣ Bandung City, the heavy rain caused two trees to fall, resulting in long traffic jams.

Precautions and​ Measures

The Head of the Bandung Regency Regional ⁢Disaster Management⁣ Agency (BPBD), Uka Suska Puji‌ Utama, has appealed‌ to the public, especially ⁤those ​living near rivers and mountains, to be cautious during the rainy season. He emphasized ⁣the ​importance of cleaning water channels of⁤ garbage to prevent blockages, ‍which can lead‍ to flooding or landslides.

Residents of Bandung can take precautions ​by:

Staying ⁢informed about weather updates and ⁢flood ‍warnings

Avoiding traveling during heavy rain

Keeping​ important documents and valuables safe

Cleaning water⁤ channels and drains to prevent blockages

‌ Being prepared for evacuation in case⁢ of emergency

The ‍government and ⁢local ⁣authorities must also⁢ take measures to mitigate the effects of ​flooding, such as:

Improving drainage‍ systems and infrastructure

Conducting regular maintenance of water channels and drains

Implementing flood-control measures, ⁣such as levees and dams

Providing ⁤emergency response‌ and evacuation plans

Raising awareness about flood risks and precautions

flooding is a significant issue in⁣ Bandung, West​ Java,‌ and requires⁢ collective effort ​and ⁤preparedness from residents, ‍government, and local authorities‌ to mitigate its effects.‍ By understanding the causes of flooding and taking necessary ​precautions, we ⁣can ​reduce the risks and consequences of flooding in Bandung.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”Floods in Bandung, Indonesia: Causes, Effects, and Flood Management Policies”**:

Floods in Bandung, Indonesia: Causes, Effects, and Flood Management Policies

Bandung, the capital city of West Java, Indonesia, is prone to flooding, especially during the rainy season. Heavy rainfall in the region has caused widespread flooding in recent years, resulting in damage to properties, disruption of daily life, and even loss of lives. In this article, we will explore the causes of flooding in Bandung, its effects on the community, and the flood management policies implemented by the local government.

Causes of Flooding in Bandung

Flooding in Bandung is primarily caused by heavy rainfall, which is common during the rainy season. The city’s location in a valley, surrounded by mountains, makes it prone to flooding. The rainwater flows down from the mountains, causing the rivers to overflow and resulting in flooding in nearby areas [[1]]. Additionally, the lack of effective drainage systems and the accumulation of garbage in water channels also contribute to the flooding problem [[3]].

Effects of Flooding in Bandung

Flooding in Bandung has severe consequences for the community. It causes damage to properties, disrupts daily life, and poses a threat to human life. In recent years, flooding in Bandung has resulted in displacement of people, damage to infrastructure, and economic losses [[2]]. Furthermore, flooding also leads to health risks, as it can contaminate water sources and spread diseases.

Flood Management Policies in Bandung

To mitigate the effects of flooding, the local government of Bandung has implemented various flood management policies. One of the approaches is to procure green open spaces, which can help absorb rainwater and reduce the risk of flooding [[3]]. The government has also improved river dimensions, managed slums, constructed flood defenses, and handled waste management to reduce the risk of flooding.

Current Flood Situation in Bandung

Recently, heavy rainfall in Bandung has caused flooding in several areas, including Bojongsoang, Baleendah, Dayeuhkolot, and Katapang Districts [[2]]. Although the floodwaters have not cut off traffic flow, the authorities have appealed to the public to be vigilant and take necessary precautions to avoid accidents.


Flooding is a serious problem in Bandung, Indonesia, and it requires immediate attention from the local government and the community. By implementing effective flood management policies, improving drainage systems, and promoting public awareness, we can reduce the risk of flooding and mitigate its effects on the community.


[1], [2], [3]

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