Financing for innovative projects focused on energy efficiency and renewable energies, through the Green Lines program, puts Banco Promérica in leadership, which together with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) and with the support of the USAID Guarantee, was able to develop this project.
Within the framework of the Green Lines Program, Banco Promerica announced the financing to the company Velesa Energy, SA de CV of the “Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (PCH)” project with an amount of $467,000.
This project will generate electrical energy, injecting approximately 712 MWh/year into the grid annually. Likewise, it has been projected that there will be a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, with a total of 433.6 tons of CO2 equivalent mitigated per year.
It is worth mentioning that this is the first private project to which the Salvadoran state grants the right to exploit water resources, contributing to the development of the municipality of Caluco, Sonsonate and the western zone.
Since 2017, Banco Promerica, through Green Lines, has granted millions of dollars for projects such as: agribusiness, improvement of water distribution, hydroelectric projects, photovoltaic projects, among others.
#Banco #Promerica #continues #finance #green #line #projects #Salvador