Ball king Pele gave up chemotherapy and transferred to the hospice ward.

On the evening of December 3, Beijing time, according to the British “Daily Mail”, Bailey, who was admitted to the hospital for treatment due to a “respiratory tract infection”, has been transferred to the “hospital care” of the Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital in Sao Paulo. area. According to media reports, Bailey’s attending doctor has stopped chemotherapy for Bailey because his body has not responded to the bowel cancer treatment.

According to Brazilian media reports, the 82-year-old Bailey will stay in the hospital’s “hospital palliative care” ward and receive some pain relief treatments.

However, things took a turn for the worse for Bailey at the weekend. According to a report published by local Brazilian media on Saturday, Pele is no longer responding to the chemotherapy he has been receiving for bowel cancer since September last year. It is precisely because of this that Bailey was transferred to the “hospital palliative care” ward. So-called “palliative care” applies to patients who may have a life-threatening disease or have entered the “hospice stage”.

In fact, Bailey has been battling bowel cancer since he was diagnosed with a colorectal tumor at the end of August 2021. For more than a year since then, although his illness has relapsed, his family has always announced that his physical condition is relatively stable.

Many stars, such as Mbappé, etc. have prayed for Pele on social media, and the same is true for netizens around the world, hoping for peace.

Ball King Bailey gave up chemotherapy and was transferred to the hospice ward.

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