Baldur’s Gate III: A Resurrected Masterpiece by Screenwriter David Gaider

2023-08-28 12:56:48
Screenwriter David Gaider, who worked at Bioware on Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and the Dragon Age series, was delighted with Baldur’s Gate III. Baldur’s Gate 2 was the first game in the industry that Gaider had the opportunity to work on. And he believes that Larian managed to “resurrect” the feeling that the sequel brought to the players at the time. The author called the third part of the series “a worthy heir” and noted the developers’ obvious love for the local universe. One of the users suggested that Gaider himself join the ranks of Larian to help further with the expertise. But the author refused, explaining his decision by the fact that local screenwriters had already managed to create a “masterpiece” – so they would hardly need his advice. Gaider also noted the disadvantages in which he recorded bugs, the lack of an epilogue and the structure of romantic relationships between characters. But he immediately added that all these shortcomings do not cover the “monumental achievement” of the developers. According to Gaider, he “enjoyed every hour” of this adventure. Considering that Gaider has previously been critical of the industry’s treatment of writers, this kind of praise for BG3 takes on an additional positive connotation.
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