Baldur’s Gate 3: “I wish I knew it sooner”, after more than 100 hours, he learns secrets about the game that he didn’t even identify…

2023-09-24 16:00:00

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Even if Baldur’s Gate 3 takes the time to gradually introduce you to most of the most important game mechanics during its tutorial and Act 1, the fact remains that the title from Larian Studios is so dense that many little tips are nevertheless very useful regularly fall by the wayside. As a result, many players miss out on mechanics that are important to assimilate!

A discovery following dozens of hours of play

It all started in a thread opened by RedRyder74 on Reddit. This former player of Dungeons & Dragons (the paper role-playing game) explains that he had assimilated a long time ago the mechanics of this game which in fact have no place in Baldur’s Gate 3 despite the fact that this one is inspired by the 5th edition of D&D.

His original premise was quite simple: for him, all the spells that were learned were memorized by the character and might not be changed without having to at least trigger a long rest. Except that’s not the case, and he learned it following more than 50 hours of play all the same! Because yes: in Baldur’s Gate 3 you can change all the spells present in your spellbook at any time, without prerequisites, without even having to go through a long rest.

This specificity unknown to fans of the game from which Baldur’s Gate 3 is strongly inspired is far from being the only one of its kind. It is also these small details which mean that the title is particularly criticized by the great fans of the paper role-playing game of the 80s: for them, most of the complex mechanics have been removed and the work has been done to the players. A form of “casualization” which unsurprisingly displeases the “oldies” but which also explains the great success of this game!

Other small details are obviously criticized such as the impossibility of using the ropes which are found almost everywhere in the game. In a perfect Baldur’s Gate 3 we might have used them to climb, rappel down, tie up enemies or set traps (which is possible in Dungeons & Dragons). This is unfortunately not the case, and this makes the game lose a certain flavor when we see how advanced it is in many other aspects.

Some very useful tips for Baldur’s Gate 3

In response to this thread on Reddit, users were quick to, as always, share their little tips little known to the general public of Baldur’s Gate 3. Did you know, for example, that if you double-click on the die during each die roll then the long rolling animation is instantly cut and you have access to the result immediately? This ultimately saves long minutes of waiting, maybe even hours!

Absolute beginners to the Dungeons & Dragons universe are also often unaware of how many ways they can interact with their environment. For example, you can shoot an arrow, throw an object or throw a fireball at a lever in the distance to activate it without being nearby. A very, very useful tip especially for one of the most difficult encounters in Act 1!

Last but not least, you can cancel any active skill requiring Concentration. To do this, simply click on the small cross next to its tiny icon located at the bottom right of the orb on the left of your interface. It’s very small and difficult to notice if you don’t pay close attention to it, but it can help you in a lot of situations like canceling a Silence zone to allow your characters to pass before relaunching it for example!

Baldur’s Gate 3 is far from having delivered all its secrets to players, and there is no doubt that the coming weeks will still be full of great discoveries. Curiosity is perhaps a bad flaw, except that in Larian’s game it is rewarded and we love it!

#Baldurs #Gate #knew #sooner #hours #learns #secrets #game #didnt #identify..



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