Bahlil Says There Are 4 Religious Organizations That Have Also Submitted Applications for Mining Management Permits – 2024-07-31 14:58:57

Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia walks after attending a plenary cabinet meeting at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta (ANTARA PHOTO/Hafidz Mubarak A)

MINISTER of Investment/Head of BKPM, Bahlil Lahadalia revealed that there are four religious organizations that have applied for mining management permits. In addition to NU and Muhammadiyah, the Ministry of Investment/BKPM is communicating with other religious organizations that initially rejected the mining permit.

“Yes, there are three or four more who have submitted,” he said, Monday (29/7).

It was explained that the Presidential Decree regarding mining permits for NU has been made. Next, he will issue a regulation and it is targeted to be completed this week.

Meanwhile, regarding Muhammadiyah, Bahlil said, he gave an official explanation at the Muhammadiyah DPP Office. That was what then made Muhammadiyah decide to also apply for a mining permit.

“Yes, I came to PP Muhammadiyah, all the administrators were there, and I was asked to provide an explanation related to the legal aspects, the objectives, the management aspects, and the seriousness aspects. And I came to explain officially at the DPP Muhammadiyah office,” he explained.

According to him, the two organizations being approached by the Ministry of Investment are PGI and KWI. Communication continues to be built with both parties regarding the purpose of the mining management permit.

“We build communication (PGI and KWI), God willing, everything will work out. Just be sure that everyone wants to go to heaven. This is a path to heaven. And if people walk to heaven, God willing, God will open everything,” he said. (van)

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