Bahía Blanca: Kicillof is also in the city and works alongside Mayor Susbielles

2023-12-17 17:41:25

The Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, He traveled to the city this Sunday White Baywhich endured a very harsh storm this Saturday, with winds of 140km/h that almost completely destroyed the sports center of the Bahiense del Norte club, a situation that left 13 dead and 14 injured, some seriously,

Kicillof worked after noon with the local mayor, Federico Susbielles, and the crisis committee formed in response to the emergency, while waiting for the arrival from Buenos Aires of President Javier Milei, who was flying with ministers, doctors and other officials.

Already in the early morning, Kicillof had arranged for the provincial Security Minister, Javier Alonso, to travel to Bahía Blanca, arranging for the provision of the social, health and logistical resources necessary to address the “scorched earth” situation in which Bahía Blanca was left. .

So they arrived first thing in the morning 504 drums of water, 10,000 kilos of food and 1,000 blanketslike 250 mattresses, 500 clothing and footwear kits, and 500 cleaning kits.

“Interdisciplinary reinforcement teams”

The Buenos Aires Government sent this Sunday “three interdisciplinary reinforcement teams” to join the health team that already works together with the authorities of the municipality of Bahía Blanca, reported the provincial Minister of Health, Nicolás Kreplak.

“Due to the strong storm that passed through Bahía Blanca, the Buenos Aires health team is already working hard together with local authorities to provide support, care and attention to the entire community,” Kreplak said on the X network.

The city of Buenos Aires was affected this Saturday by intense winds of more than 140 km/h and heavy rainfall, which left “13 people dead and 14 seriously hospitalized.” who are hospitalized in the Municipal Hospital, four in the Penna Hospital and two in the Private Hospital of the South”.

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About, The Buenos Aires Minister of Health reported that “this morning 3 interdisciplinary emergency reinforcement teams arrived”.

Meanwhile, he indicated that given the storm that is circulating with varying intensity throughout the province of Buenos Aires “it is very important that we are informed through official channels about the state of the weather and the alerts issued.”

While recommending, “let’s avoid traffic” and “let’s stay safe in safe places”.

“Let’s not take out the trash, let’s store and secure objects that can fly away and let’s not be near light poles and trees” Kreplak said, while indicating that “in case of any emergency, contact the emergency numbers in your municipality.” “A lot of strength for everyone” he concluded.


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