Badr Ikken resigns as CEO of IRESEN

The Institute for Research in Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) announced on Saturday the resignation of its Director General, Badr Ikken, indicating that an interim period will be provided by Samir Rachidi, Scientific Director in charge of Thermal Systems and Power-to-X. IRESEN’s Board of Directors, meeting on Friday under the chairmanship of the Minister for Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Leïla Benali, took note of the resignation of the Director General, Badr Ikken, who, following eleven years at the head of the Institute, wished to pursue other professional opportunities outside this establishment. Appointed by the Board of Directors in 2011, “Mr. Ikken was instrumental in the construction and development of IRESEN. Its successes have been remarkable since it has contributed, thanks to the agency of means, to the financing of more than a hundred collaborative applied research and innovation projects, ”said the institute in a press release. “He also set up the first African platform for testing, research and training in the field of solar technologies and their applications, Green Energy Park, inaugurated by HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, in January 2017, as well as the first research and innovation platform in the field of eco-construction, smart grids and electric mobility, the Green & Smart Building Park, developed jointly with the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.



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