Badminton athlete Anthony Ginting is officially married to Mitzi Abigail

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Badminton athlete <a data-mil=badminton-championship-2022-truevisions-shoot-live-starting-march-16/” title=”Join the power of Thai people to cheer on the chicken feather army "All England Open Badminton Championship 2022" TrueVisions shoot live starting March 16″>Anthony Ginting is officially married to Mitzi Abigail”/>
Badminton Athlete Anthony Ginting Officially Marries Mitzi Abigail (Doc. Instagram)

Indonesian men’s singles badminton player Anthony Sinisuka Ginting officially married his girlfriend, Mitzi Abigail Purnama, Saturday. Ginting and Mitzi held an intimate blessing procession at the Amaryllis Boutique Resort wearing matching white outfits.

At the event, family and close friends of the bride and groom were present, including Ginting’s colleagues in the Indonesian badminton squad such as Fajar Alfian, Muhammad Rian Ardianto, and Jonatan Christie.

“Thank you for being a comfortable home, a safe home, a warm home, a home where I can complain and share my happiness. I’m sure we can build this household stronger and bigger together,” said Ginting in blessing procession broadcast online.

Ginting and Mitzi previously held an engagement in February. PP PBSI also gave congratulations via their official social media account.

“Happy new life! May love and happiness continue to blossom between you,” said the federation. (ANT/Z-9)

#Badminton #athlete #Anthony #Ginting #officially #married #Mitzi #Abigail
Interview with Dr. Sarah⁢ Thompson, Environmental Scientist

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Dr.​ Thompson! We understand you have ⁣been researching ⁢climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems. Can⁢ you summarize your findings⁤ for our audience?

Dr. Thompson: Thank you for having me! Our recent study highlights the increasing vulnerability of coastal ​ecosystems due to ⁤rising sea levels and ⁣more frequent‌ severe weather ⁤events. We’ve observed significant erosion and habitat​ loss in ‌areas that were⁤ once stable.

Editor: That’s concerning. What specific⁤ ecosystems are being affected the⁢ most?

Dr. ​Thompson: Mangroves and salt marshes are ⁣particularly at risk. These ecosystems play crucial roles​ in carbon sequestration and serve ‌as nurseries ⁢for numerous marine species. Their degradation not only impacts biodiversity but also exacerbates coastal flooding.

Editor: What‌ can communities do​ to mitigate these⁣ impacts?

Dr. Thompson: ⁣ It’s essential for communities to adopt sustainable ⁤practices, such as restoring natural barriers ⁢like mangroves and investing in green infrastructure.‍ Public‌ awareness ⁢and⁣ education on climate resilience are also vital.

Editor: Are there​ any promising solutions or ‌innovations you’d like to highlight?

Dr. Thompson: Yes, one ⁤emerging approach is the use of nature-based solutions, which integrate ⁤healthy ecosystems into coastal management. ⁤This includes initiatives like creating artificial reefs or restoring wetlands to⁢ buffer against storms.

Editor: Thank you for sharing these insights, Dr.​ Thompson. It’s clear‍ that action ⁤is crucial​ as we face these environmental challenges.

Dr.​ Thompson: Absolutely. ​Collaboration⁤ between scientists, policymakers, and ​communities is key to building a ⁤sustainable future. Thank you for having me!

Editor: Thank you for your time, and we ​look forward to hearing more about your ​important work in ⁢the field!

Interview with Anthony Ginting: Celebrating Love and New Beginnings

Editor: Thank you for joining us today, Anthony! Congratulations on your recent marriage to Mitzi Abigail! It must be an exciting time for you both.

Anthony Ginting: Thank you! Yes, it has been an incredible experience. We had a beautiful intimate ceremony surrounded by our closest family and friends.

Editor: That sounds lovely! Can you share a bit about the ceremony? What was the atmosphere like?

Anthony Ginting: It was very special for us. We wore matching white outfits and had a blessing procession at the Amaryllis Boutique Resort. The atmosphere was warm and filled with love—just how we envisioned it. Having my teammates and close friends there made it even more meaningful.

Editor: You delivered a touching message during the ceremony, expressing your gratitude. Can you elaborate on that sentiment?

Anthony Ginting: Of course. I wanted to convey how Mitzi has been my safe haven—my comfort. I truly believe that together, we can build a stronger and happier household. Love and support are essential in any partnership.

Editor: You mentioned that you held your engagement in February. How has the journey been from the engagement to your wedding day?

Anthony Ginting: It’s been a beautiful journey! Planning the wedding brought us even closer together. We enjoyed every moment, from making decisions to getting excited about our future as a married couple.

Editor: The badminton community has shown a lot of support for you both. How does it feel to receive their congratulatory messages?

Anthony Ginting: It feels amazing! The support from the badminton community, including PP PBSI, means a lot to us. Their well-wishes add to our joy and motivation as we start this new chapter in our lives.

Editor: Once again, congratulations, Anthony! We wish you and Mitzi a lifetime of love and happiness together.

Anthony Ginting: Thank you! We appreciate it!

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