Bad weather corner – Electricity bills for victims of heavy rain since July 14, 2022

The Japanese government has decided to apply the provisions of the Disaster Relief Law to municipalities that suffer losses from heavy rains and floods, etc. fallen since July 14, 2022. The METI provides the essential information to benefit from it.

The government has approved special disaster relief measures for electricity tariffs in light of heavy rainfall claims since July 14, 2022

July 22, 2022

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) today approved special measures for electricity consumers (etc.) who experience disasters in areas covered by the Emergency Relief Act. disaster.

The successive heavy rains since July 14, 2022 have caused or threatened the lives of a significant number of people. Accordingly, the Disaster Relief Law applies to all municipalities such as Ozaki City in Miyagi Prefecture.

The ministry has received the required approval requests from

  • Tohoku Electric Power Company Tohoku Electric Power Co., Incorporated et
  • Tohoku Electric Power Network Incorporated Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Ltd.,

to implement special measures under the Disaster Relief Act. These are special measures (such as the postponement of the date of payment of invoices) according to the conditions for the provision of services other than the general conditions. They apply to disaster victims within the area of ​​application of the Disaster Relief Act. The Electricity and Gas Trade Oversight Committee reviewed and approved them today. The special disaster measures in question apply from the date on which the Disaster Relief Act applies (※1).

Then, if necessary, the exceptional disaster measures will also apply to new regions that the Disaster Relief Act will define in the future. For more information, consult the page of each company. (※2)

(※1) Effective date of the Disaster Relief Law. Check the link of ministerial cabinet website

Tohoku Electric Power Company Incorporated Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
Tohoku Electric Power Network Incorporated Tohoku Electric Power Network Co., Ltd.

Responsible departments

Electricity Bill Payment Deferral 電気 Contact information
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy Power and Gas Division
Policy Division Power Industry and Market Office Manager Kise
Person in charge: Gohara, Nishimura
Tel: 03-3501-1511 (Postes 4741-6)
03-3501-1748 (through)

Source : Special Disaster Measures for Electricity Rates Approved for Disasters Due to Heavy Rain from July 14, 2020 (METI)

Where are the dangers and how to get to the evacuation center?

To find out if there is a risk of flooding in the place you are in, Local News in Japan recommends checking the “Japan Shelter Guide” application. For it :

  • Open the application (it is bilingual Japanese / English).
  • Tap on the map to see a menu at the top of the screen.
  • Choose the “Hazard” option.
  • Select the hazards (flood, landslide, etc.)
  • A hazard map is overlaid and shows the risks.

From there, to check how to get to an evacuation center while avoiding these dangers, select an evacuation center, tap on its name and address, and choose “Directions to here”. The app chooses the shortest path and measures the time. Check that it is a risk-free path and, weather permitting, take it for practice.

Cleaning up debris following a major storm

Cleaning up following a typhoon, an earthquake or a flood is not done just anyhow. If you have a lot of debris, it is worth checking with the town hall or evacuation centers where to drop it off.

If you cannot clear the debris alone, the municipalities organize help and call for help from volunteers. This information will also be available in the evacuation centers or at the town hall.

After flooding above the floor, the building must be cleaned up. For more information, contact the town hall, or an evacuation center. This will provide the necessary explanations.



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