BAD: There is a new blood type! How compatible is it and how to know if you are part of the group | News from Mexico

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One of the characteristics is the presence of an extremely rare antigen.

LONDON, United Kingdom — The blood group MAL was identified by a team of researchers at the UK’s National Blood and Transplant Service (NHSBT).

This discovery is significant because adds a new dimension to our understanding of blood typing, which is crucial for transfusions and medical treatments.

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Characteristics of MAL blood type

AnWj antigen: The distinctive feature of the group blood BAD is the presence of the AnWj antigen.

This antigen is extremely rare and its discovery has been made possible by advances in blood testing technology, according to a quote from Medlineofficial website of the United States government.

Illustrative image of tubes with blood samples. PHOTO: PEXELS

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Compatibility: Compatibility of MAL blood group with others blood groups is still under investigation.

However, it is hoped that this discovery will help improve the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases and facilitate safer transfusions for people with this blood type.

Importance of the Discovery

  • Improvement in Diagnostics:The identification of new blood antigens can help diagnose rare diseases that were previously difficult to identify.
  • Safe transfusions:Knowing about the existence of this new blood group will allow for safer and more effective transfusions, especially in patients with rare blood types.

The discovery of a new blood type is useful for donations and transfusions | Photo: Illustrative from Pexels (Kirill Dratsevich)

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  • Advances in MedicineThis discovery opens new avenues for medical research and may lead to more personalized and effective treatments.

How to Know if You Belong to the MAL Blood Type?

To determine if you belong to the blood group MALa specific blood test that detects the AnWj antigen is necessary.

These tests are often available at specialist health centres and advanced laboratories. If you have a family history of rare blood types or problems with transfusions, it is advisable to speak to your doctor about the possibility of having this test.

The rapid antigen test consists of placing two drops of blood on the device, obtaining the result in just five minutes. Photo: Courtesy

Future of Research

The discovery of the blood group MAL This is just the beginning. Researchers continue to study this group to better understand its prevalence, compatibility and medical implications.

This type of research is crucial to continue advancing in transfusion medicine and in the treatment of rare diseases.



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