“Bad Guys” “May 1st” small holiday release laughter and word-of-mouth gathered to detonate the movie-watching craze for family fun

“Bad Guys” “May 1st” small holiday release laughter and word-of-mouth gathered to detonate the movie-watching craze for family fun

2022-05-02 17:30:51Source: Xi’an News Network

Xi’an News Network News April 29, the new animated comedy movie “Bad Guys” created by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures was officially released in major theaters in mainland China. The film has attracted much attention before it was released. The reporter learned from the film company today that the film, as the only new animation on the “May 1st” this year, has become a holiday choice for many parents and children to watch movies for “family fun” during the long holiday.

On the first day of its release on April 29, “Bad Guys” accounted for 14.4% of the films, and it scored high scores of 9.1 and 8.9 on the two major ticketing platforms, Maoyan and Taopiao Piao, respectively. It is reported that as of 14:35 on May 1, the box office of “Bad League” has exceeded 20 million, and a total of 597,000 people have watched the film. It is the champion of the total number of animations on Labor Day in mainland film history, setting the highest single-day score for imported animations this year.

In addition, the film ranked first in the “Real-time Want to Watch List”, “Material Play List” and “WeChat Popularity”, and opened up topic discussions on the entire Internet-as of press time, “Bad Guys” related movie topics It has been on the major lists 12 times, and many viewers commented on the Internet, “It is suitable for parents to bring their children to watch together, there are laughs and highlights”, “It is very suitable for the whole family to watch together, even the adults in the movie are funny. I find it funny, all kinds of ups and downs are also very exciting for children”, “Who said that cartoons are for children to watch, this “Bad Guys” is too suitable for big friends to take children to the cinema to watch”.

As a brand new IP created by DreamWorks Animation, “Bad Guys” is adapted from a global best-selling comic. It tells the story of five “bad guys” who do all kinds of evil – the personable pickpocket “Big Bad Wolf” and the well-informed safe thief “Greedy”. “Snake”, the calm and calm master of disguise “beautiful shark”, the irritable thug “piranha”, and the eloquent hacker expert “hacker spider” form the world’s most notorious “bad guy alliance”. They have always thought that “good” is boring because of some accidents, and they have to look up to “good people”. As a result, trying to become model citizens, they embarked on a journey of “transformation” that was full of situations and hilarious.

The stupid and cute villains in the movie are enough to attract fans. The Chinese version of “Bad Guys” in which Qin Hao and Gaga Hammer Na Lisa joined the dubbing has also been recognized by many audiences. In addition to the constant laughter, many audiences also expressed that “Bad Guys Alliance” It is also very educational, and can trigger the thinking of adults and children: how to define good people and bad people in life? Is it right to judge people by their appearance? Can stereotypes and labelling hurt? It can be said that both children and adults can find fun and discover deep meaning in this film.

Photo courtesy of Sun Huan Pianfang, an all-media reporter from Xi’an Newspaper Industry

<!–enpproperty 65425182022-05-02 17:30:51:742孙欢《坏蛋联盟》“五一”小长假上映 笑点口碑齐聚 引爆合家欢观影热坏蛋,联盟,电影,大人,动画14548文化圈文化圈https://www.xiancn.com/pic/2022-05/02/89752ed8-5c8c-4be0-9af7-e163efac948c.pnghttps://www.xiancn.com/pic/2022-05/02/89752ed8-5c8c-4be0-9af7-e163efac948c.pnghttps://www.xiancn.com/content/2022-05/02/content_6542518.htmnull西安新闻网4月29日, 由梦工场动画打造并由环球影业发行的全新动画喜剧电影《坏蛋联盟》正式上映中国内地各大院线。本片在上映前便已备受关注, 记者今日从片方获悉,影片作为今年“五一档”唯一新动画片,在小长假期间成为不少家长和孩子“合家欢”观影的假日选择。10/enpproperty–>



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