“Bad figure” –

Fascist salute, racist and homophobic comments: all behaviors not appropriate for a teacher, a professor of History and Philosophy at the Pirelli High School in Rome, who ended up under the magnifying glass of the Regional School Office (USR) due to the actions and words documented and reported by his own students only after the final exam. According to what has been learned, the teacher at the school in the Tuscolano neighborhood is a former leader of the Democratic Party. Silence from the left on the matter, which often raises the specter of fascism. A request for greater clarity, however, was made by the Lega MP Giovanna Miele, member of the Culture, Science and Education commission. The Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara also expressed his opinion on the case through a tweet on X.

The case of the Pirelli Institute professor explodes. An internal investigation begins after the complaint

“It is now certain: the infamous ‘fascist’ professor of the Pirelli Institute, who has induced numerous members of the PD and M5S to fear the risk of a spread of fascist episodes in the school, is in reality a former leader of the Abruzzo PD. Not only that: he is also a convinced anti-fascist. Those who rushed to ask me for statements of condemnation and stigma towards the ‘dangerous subversive’ have made a very bad impression”, he wrote. “It is a pity that among them there is also an authoritative member of the PD, Anna Ascani, vice president of the Chamber, who at least for the role she holds should have used greater caution and more measured and institutional tones. Having clarified that the teacher is not a dangerous fascist, the Lazio school office will now verify whether the professor actually used homophobic and racist expressions”, he added.

#Bad #figure #Tempo
2024-07-28 01:43:59



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