Back to zouk for Aya Nakamura

She is the only female guest on Aya Nakamura’s next album “DNK”, singer Kim had achieved success in 2015.

Image taken from Kim’s Spotify account

By announcing the arrival of his new albumscheduled for January 27, Aya Nakamura shared at the same time the name of the artists chosen to accompany him in featuring. Among them, the rappers SDM and Tiakola but also a name a little less known to the general public today. It’s Kim’s. Three letters that were close to success in the years 2015. The one who is nicknamed Kimy Kimy on the networks had unveiled two albums in 2009 and 2016 before leaving the front of the stage. The same year The Parisian devoted an article to him, dedicating his “dazzling success” and calling it “future zouk star”. It must be said that at that time Kim chained the tubes. After the “Premiers pas” project, released by Warner music and sold 20,000 copies, it is via the track “Mon ami” which has accumulated more than 8 million views on Youtube seven years following its release, that it will be welcomed with open arms by the public. Since becoming a real reference, like Fanny J.

Passed through Saint-Ouen, the city of her childhood, before joining Caen, she will finally land in Villiers-le-Bel. It is there that she will found with her husband Tibault Baka, the Dream Music label, which is not active today. In 2017 their musical project did not only revolve around Kim’s career. “We would like to organize showcases and interventions around music in schools. We want to show that young people in the suburbs are not good for nothing. there is talent“, underlined Tibault Baka in the columns of Parisian. Building on her success, Kim had then filled concert halls like La Cigale or the Olympia in 2017.

Coming from a Martinican and Spanish crossbreed, Kim “associates its Anglo-Saxon musical culture with that of the West Indies”. A category that does not perfectly sum up the artist’s music according to Tibault Baka: “Kim is cataloged as zouk, but this second album (Kim released in 2016, editor’s note) has much broader influences. This album is to bring together two worlds, that of Afro-tropical and urban pop“. Since signed to AllPoints and Horion Music, Kim has begun her comeback since 2022 with a few titles distilled here and there, such as collaborations with rappers Landy and Gazo.

So if in 2023 she may be a mystery guest on Aya Nakamura’s album on the track “Chacun”it’s actually the return of a star of zouk and a featuring of choice for the interpreter of “Djadja” who continues to celebrate the scent of zouk.

Aya Nakamura who will perform on stage at Bercy on May 26 and 27 will also join Rosalía and Kendrick Lamar in Paris during the Lollapalooza festival.

January 9, 2023

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