Back to School: OeKB supports Teach for Austria for equal opportunities | OeKB

— Lesson with board member Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger in a middle school in Vienna — Commitment to better educational and future opportunities

Vienna (OTS) As part of this year’s Teach For Austria week, Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger and a fellow held an interactive English lesson last week in a first class at MS Quellenstraße 144 in Vienna’s 10th district. Through personal exchange with successful leaders, children in challenging schools should be inspired to believe in their abilities and potential and in the opportunities that arise through commitment and perseverance.

“It was a really great pleasure for me to visit a school class once more following a break of several years and to hopefully organize an exciting English lesson together with the fellow. In any case, the students were very committed and interested,” reports Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger, who is responsible for capital market activities on the OeKB Executive Board. “It was also a very enriching morning for me personally. Fair educational opportunities and equal opportunities are very important to me, because many children do not have the initial advantages that I was fortunately able to enjoy myself.”

Die Vision von Teach for Austria

“Every child has the chance of a good life – no matter how much money or education their parents have.” That is the vision of Teach for Austria, which the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG (OeKB) has supported financially and with personal commitment since 2016. Because Statistics show that in Austria in particular, educational success depends very much on the socio-economic status and educational level of the parents.With the Fellow program, the non-profit educational initiative therefore brings particularly suitable lateral entrants as teachers to challenging kindergartens, secondary schools and polytechnic schools.

As part of the annual Teach For Austria week, these fellows, together with executives from business and politics, organize interactive lessons at socially disadvantaged schools in order to stand up for more educational justice. The managers provide insights into their careers and show the children and young people how they can make their dreams come true through self-confidence, perseverance and commitment. It is particularly regarding strengthening their belief in their own abilities.

About the OeKB Group
The companies of the OeKB Group with their more than 500 employees provide essential and relevant services for the Austrian export economy, the capital market and the tourism industry, offer services for the energy market and are part of the Austrian development financing. All of their activities have a clear economic benefit, strengthen Austria as a business location and support Austria’s economy in global competition. OeKB acts in a non-competitive, cross-sectoral and sustainable manner.

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Austrian Control Bank AG
T: +43 1 53127-2116



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