Back to school 2024: with the price of paper falling, the cost of supplies could be slightly lower than in 2023

As the 2024 school year approaches, the period for purchasing school supplies may be less costly than last year. Some stationery manufacturers have reduced their prices in response to a decline in paper pulp costs.

Students in primary, middle, and high schools will not return to classes until September 2, but back-to-school shopping has already begun. In the Wittelheim area (Haut-Rhin), near Mulhouse, parents are collaborating to create a “back-to-school kit” at a more affordable price.

We mainly provide stationery. For the pencil case, we allow parents to choose,” says Soumoutha Muller, a parent and representative for Haut-Rhin of the Federation of Parents of Pupils in Public Education (PEEP). “For 6th grade, for instance, we offer a kit for 120 euros, including the calculator that students keep for the following years.

Back-to-school supplies are not exempt from inflation. “Prices have indeed risen, but this is primarily true for in-store purchases. Our kit remains appealing because we order in bulk directly from manufacturers, significantly mitigating the price increase.,” Muller clarifies.

School supply purchases had “surged in 2022 due to the spike in paper pulp prices“, essential for producing students’ notebooks and sheets, explains Hélène Wolff, vice-president of UFC Que Choisir du Bas-Rhin. Prices had increased by “14% on stationery“, reports the association on its website.

This year, wallets may fare better, as the price of paper pulp has decreased by 30%. However, it varies by brand: some national companies continue to impose significant margins and “show a slight increase (+1% on average compared to last year)“, according to analyses from UFC Que Choisir. Notable examples include Clairefontaine (-1.3%) and Mapped (-1.7%), which “play fair with reductions“. In the case of distributor brands, there is already “a decrease of 3%” on average, led by U (-6.2%) and Leclerc (-5.4%) brands.

In any case, this will help offset the inflation impacting other supplies. “Based on the prices of 135 products (notebooks, sheets, felt-tip pens, pens, rulers, paints, etc.) that we tracked online as of July 9, the total bill is down by 1% compared to July 2023“, the association stated.

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    <h1>2024 Back-to-School Supplies: What Parents Need to Know</h1>

    <p class="article__intro">A major period for purchasing school supplies, the approach of the 2024 school year could prove less expensive than the previous year. Some stationery manufacturers have lowered their prices, adapting to the drop in the cost of paper pulp.</p>

    <h2>Current Trends in Back-to-School Shopping</h2>
    <p>Primary, middle, and high school students will not return to class until September 2, but back-to-school shopping is already picking up. In the area around Wittelheim (Haut-Rhin), near Mulhouse, parents are organizing to provide a "back-to-school kit" at a lower cost.</p>
    <p><em>"We primarily offer stationery. For the pencil case, we let the parents choose,"</em> underlines Soumoutha Muller, a parent and representative for Haut-Rhin from the Federation of Parents of Pupils in Public Education (PEEP). <em>"In 6th grade, for example, we offer a kit for 120 euros, but we include the calculator that the students keep for the following years."</em></p>

    <h2>Inflation and School Supply Prices</h2>
    <p>Back-to-school supplies have not remained unchecked by inflation. <em>"Prices have increased yes, but this is mostly the case when buying in stores. Our kit remains attractive because we order in large quantities directly from the manufacturers, which greatly reduces this increase."</em>, Muller notes.</p>

    <p>According to Hélène Wolff, vice-president of UFC Que choisir du Bas-Rhin, purchases of school supplies had <em>"jumped in 2022, due to the surge in the price of paper pulp"</em>. The essential material for making students' notebooks and sheets saw prices escalate by <em>"14% on stationery"</em>, as confirmed by the association.</p>

    <h2>Predicted Price Trends for 2024</h2>
    <p>Good news for parents: the wallet may be better off this year, as paper pulp's value has decreased by 30%. However, brands can't be generalized; some national companies still apply substantial margins and <em>"show a slight increase (+1% on average compared to last year)"</em>, analyses UFC Que choisir.</p>

    <h3>Comparative Price Changes by Brand</h3>
    <table class="wp-table">
                <th>Price Change</th>
                <td>U Brand</td>
                <td>Other Distributor Brands</td>
                <td>-3% (average)</td>

    <h2>Overall Spending Projections</h2>
    <p>Despite the mixed trends among brands, the overall cost of essential back-to-school supplies appears more manageable this year. <em>"According to the prices of 135 products (notebooks, sheets, felt-tip pens, pens, squares, paints, etc.) that we noted online, on July 9, the bill is down 1% compared to July 2023,"</em> the association stated.</p>

    <h2>Benefits of Bulk Purchasing</h2>
        <li><strong>Cost-Effective:</strong> Buying in bulk can significantly reduce prices—organizations like PEEP leverage this strategy to offer lower prices for essential supplies.</li>
        <li><strong>Customization:</strong> Parents can choose specific items based on their child's needs, making the purchase more personalized and practical.</li>
        <li><strong>Quality Assurance:</strong> Ordering directly from manufacturers often ensures better quality products at lower prices.</li>

    <h2>Practical Tips for Back-to-School Shopping</h2>
    <p>It’s crucial to be strategic about back-to-school shopping to save time and money. Here are some practical tips:</p>
        <li><strong>Make a List:</strong> Create a comprehensive list of the required materials to avoid impulse purchases.</li>
        <li><strong>Compare Prices:</strong> Check multiple retailers—both online and offline—to find the best deals on back-to-school supplies.</li>
        <li><strong>Use Coupons:</strong> Always look for coupons or discounts that can be applied for additional savings.</li>
        <li><strong>Take Advantage of Sales:</strong> Keep an eye on sales events across stores, especially around the end of summer.</li>

    <h2>Case Study: Successful Bulk Purchasing in Wittelheim</h2>
    <p>The effort by parents in Wittelheim to provide cost-effective back-to-school kits serves as a successful model. By collaborating and ordering in bulk, they not only save money but ensure that families in the community can afford essential supplies.</p>
    <p>Soumoutha Muller’s initiative showcases how community cooperation can alleviate the financial pressure often associated with back-to-school shopping. It highlights the effectiveness of banding together to negotiate better prices, reinforcing the need for such cooperative strategies in other regions as well.</p>

    <h2>First-Hand Experiences: Parents Share Their Insights</h2>
    <p>Many parents have begun to share their experiences about the evolving back-to-school landscape.</p>
    <blockquote><em>"Last year, I felt overwhelmed with the prices. This year, I’m seeing a glimmer of hope. I can’t believe how much easier it is to find deals and the value of bulk kits has really helped me save,"</em> says Marie, a mother of two in Wittelheim.</blockquote>
    <blockquote><em>"We coordinated with other parents. It’s much more economical! We can choose what we really need for our kids while saving money,"</em> adds Jean, a PEEP member.</blockquote>

    <p>As the 2024 academic year approaches, evidence suggests that the cost of back-to-school essentials is set to decrease, benefitting budget-conscious families. By understanding current trends, utilizing smart shopping strategies, and leveraging community resources, parents can prepare effectively for the upcoming school year.</p>


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