Back to school 2024: a return on September 2… but with which Minister of Education?

the essentials A few days before the start of the school year and while many families have been going to supermarkets in recent days to do their shopping for school supplies, The Midi Dispatch takes stock of key dates.

Little by little, the deadline is approaching and will soon sound the end of these great summer holidays 2024. It is synonymous with returning to school, college, high school and other universities. Already, the usual ballet of shopping for school supplies is observed in all the supermarkets of Occitanie and France. And while many are still taking advantage of the summer temperatures to cool off, the start of the school year is just around the corner.

It will take place exactly in 13 days, on Monday, September 2nd for primary, secondary and high school students in Metropolitan France, as well as those in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyana. However, the date differs in Corsica, Reunion Island and Mayotte. Thus, on the Isle of Beauty it will be organized on Tuesday, September 3rd. While it is organized on August 26th in Mayotte and it took place yesterday in Reunion Island.

A return to school without a Minister of National Education

It can be spread over several days in middle and high school, with a date and time for resuming classes varying according to the classes of the different students. Note that in some private establishments, it is sometimes brought forward or delayed by a few days.

This return to school is marked by the “clash of knowledge”, this plan prepared by Gabriel Attal at the end of 2023 when he was Minister of National Education. A ministry, rue de Grenelle in Paris, of which we still do not know who will occupy it on Monday, September 2 for this return to class following the resignation of the government of… Gabriel Attal, who has since become Prime Minister.

Some will have returned to school before Monday, September 2. This is the case for teachers whose pre-return is set for Friday, August 30. They will welcome their students three days later.

Students and teachers will return to school holidays from Friday, October 18 in the evening for All Saints’ Day. The school year will end on Friday, July 4, 2025.



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