Back to school 2023/2024 in IFSI: 38,162 places open to students in 1st year and a decree that is making waves

2023-07-07 04:44:00

It is a decree, which as every year, in June, specifies the number of places open in the first year of preparatory studies for the State nursing diploma (DEI). For the 2023/2024 school year, this number is set at 38,162 students, i.e. 2,000 more than for the 2022/2023 school year. This increase was announced by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne last March presenting its roadmap for the “100 days”. A regulatory text also concerns caregivers who would like to join the nursing training course. Under certain conditions, they would be exempted from the first year. The decree applying this specific training course from the start of the 2023 school year was published in the Official Journal on July 5. and already divides.

The regions with the most students remain Ile-de-France (7,719 places), followed by Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes (4,191 places) then Hauts-de-France (4,105 places). The text specifies that the number of places set at regional level for 2023-2024 “ may include places dedicated to the reorientation of students from a specific health access course or a health access license and who benefit from exemption(s) from teaching units from the first year of nursing or nursing training. direct access to the second year of this training« .

A lighter training for AS who want to become an IDE

A decree published on July 5, under the aegis of the DGOS, proposes a specific path for access to the State nursing diploma for caregivers in order to ” set up specific training, intended for experienced caregivers (three years of practice) and eligible for continuing professional training, to enable them to benefit from a total exemption from the first year of training in nursing care. » The first integrations in the 2nd year of Ifsi, should take place in February 2024 following a preparatory course of 3 months set up in the fall of 2023. This course would be offered in the 4 regions with Ifsi offering a return to school in the month of FEBRUARY. In the long term, following a gradual deployment, the DGOS is counting on 1000 caregivers integrating this specific course per year.

The reactions were not long in coming. The National Federation of Nursing Students (Fnesi)is not in favor of this text, worried ” on the brevity of the proposed training” to replace an entire year of courses, with strong subjects for nursing practice. The SNPI nurses’ union, through the voice of Thierry Amouroux, alerts for its part to the fact ” that there is no relationship between the activity reference framework for nursing assistants and the first year of a nursing license. It is putting these AS in difficulty because they will not have the teaching of fundamentals and methodology. And all this so that employers save a year’s salary in professional promotion?«

• Order of 19 June 2023 setting the number of students to be admitted to the first year of preparatory studies for State nursing diplomas for the 2023-2024 university years; JORF n°0143 of June 22, 2023. Text n° 54.

• Order of July 3, 2023 modifying the order of July 31, 2009 relating to the State nursing diploma, JORF n°0154 of July 5, 2023; Text No. 28.

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