2023-10-27 11:56:22
The tearing of a muscle corresponds to the lesion of the fibers which compose it. Today, we speak more of a grade I, II or III injury rather than a muscle tear. We take stock.
What is a torn back muscle?
“When there is back pain, generally speaking, we sometimes say that we are suffering from a ‘muscle tear’ because we have the impression of having pain of muscular origin, and this muscle is so painful, thatwe have the impression that he has been wronged, torn”, explains Dr Jean-Marc Sène.
“In reality, when we have upper back pain, the origin is not necessarily muscular : it can be ligamentous, joint, be linked to osteoarthritis… This is why it is essential to determine the origin of the pain in order to react properly,” continues the doctor.
There are indeed muscles around the back, but it is very rare for these muscles to tear. Very often, these muscles will contract intensely: this is a muscular contracture, which is very painful. This is what can make you think that the muscle has torn, says Dr. Jean-Marc Sène, sports doctor.
How do you know if you have a contracture, a strain, a strain, etc.?
“You should know that medically, we no longer talk regarding tearing, but regarding muscle damageand depending on the importance of the lesion, we give a degree :
- Grade I : these are small lesions of the muscle;
- Grade II : these are medium lesions of the muscle;
- Grade III : these are significant lesions.
We will therefore no longer speak of muscle tearing but of grade I, II or III muscle injury. “ To summarize, we can say that elongation corresponds to grade I, tear to grade II and breakdown to grade III,” explains Dr. Sène.
How do you know if you have a torn back muscle?
The main symptom is obviously severe pain in the back.
This pain can sometimes take the form of:
- “From one pointe ;
- From a feeling of blockage ;
- From a movement limitation ;
- And sometimes even radiated pain which project into the buttock, into the lower limb, quite simply because the cause which is at the origin of the pain will irritate a sciatic nerve”, indicates the specialist.
What causes a torn back muscle?
“You must first recognize the cause of the back pain in order to be able to react. If the origin is muscular, it is therefore probably not a tear but a contracture, as we said previously,” reports Dr. Sène. There are two scenarios:
- The contracture can be isolated (appear alone) : “the muscles contract on their own, without there being any underlying lesion – a phenomenon associated with an intervertebral disturbance: this is what is classically called a ‘back lock’. We somehow made a ‘wrong movement’, which results in a reflex contracture”;
- And sometimes it can be associated with another lesion : “this contracture can accompany a back injury that already exists, and in this case the contracture in some way protects the spine: the muscle contracts very strongly to prevent the latter from moving, as well as to avoid the pain – and through repeated involuntary contractions, contracture occurs. It’s a pain that’s added to the pain.”
What to do if you have a torn back muscle?
“Faced with the symptoms of a muscle tear, immediately stop all physical activity and consult a doctor quickly,” indicates the Health Insurance website (source 1). He/she will carry out a clinical examination to “identify possible characteristic symptoms (deformation, swelling, contracture, hematoma, etc.) and prescribes an assessment if necessary ».
After identifying the cause of the pain and the type of injury, the doctor will refer you if necessary to a specialist (osteopath, physiotherapist, etc.).
What medical imaging exams?
L’ultrasound muscle and tendons is the reference examination. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can also be carried out in a second step, if necessary. These allow muscle tear injuries to be classified into different stages.
How to treat a muscle tear in the back?
In the event of a “reflex” contracture, the solution isosteopathicindicates Dr Sène: “osteopaths apply a maneuver which ‘unblocks’ the back and at that moment, the contracture lifts and the pain disappears”.
Relieve pain and free the back
It is also possible to treat a muscle tear or contracture using:
- To the heat (applying a hot water bottle to the painful area, taking a hot bath, etc. has a relaxing effect);
- To one simple analgesic (paracetamol) ;
- Au movement : contrary to popular belief, the fact of moving, of not remaining still, has a liberating effect and helps relieve contractures. You obviously have to carry out movements adapted to your pain. Resumption of walking is recommended as soon as pain permits.
How long does it take for muscle injuries to heal?
Generally, muscles and tendons are then repaired in a few weeks, indicates the Health Insurance website.
How to prevent back muscle tears?
Rehabilitation with a physiotherapist will be really interesting in all cases, whatever the cause: he or she will be able to teach the person to make correct and safe movements for their back, to learn a sort of routine in order to be able to release his back, recommends Dr. Sène.
” THE risk of recurrence exist: the fact of having already had all the conditions to be able to create this pain is a risk factor. These pains are more likely to return than if they had never appeared. It is therefore necessary to put in place protocolsa routine who will try to prevent recurrence,” explains the doctor.
“It is interesting to playing a sport a physical activity, playful,” advises the latter. No need for intense physical activity! Pilates, yoga, swimming, running, muscle strengthening, walking… anything that allows us to be in movement is suitable.
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