Back and forth Androulakis – Insists on the opposition creating impressions – What he said in Parliament

Mr. Androulakis spoke about the continuous government failures in the last 5.5 years, stressing that the middle class feels unprotected. “You are solely responsible for the climate prevailing in society. The continued failures create a generalized climate of insecurity among citizens. They feel that the state is not playing its role,” he said and added that the government does not create conditions of social justice.

“You have ruled for almost six years, but your actions are wasted time, wasted opportunities and wasted resources for Greek society,” he said characteristically.

Regarding the productive sector, he said: “In OPEKEPE, you changed five presidents in five years and the European Commission put the last one under its commission: what did he see in the operation of the Organization that you did not see for five years? And all this while you govern without memoranda and with the dowry of billions from the Recovery Fund”.

“When will “Never Again” become a reality when from last year to today we have counted 9 near-tragedies?”, he said at another point in the speech to add “it is not possible to operate ineffectively for the last 6 years, expecting different results”.

In his report on the fireshe said how “within 8 years, a total of 37% of the forest lands of Attica have burned. The climate crisis is here and no one is arguing. The question is whether there is a national strategy elaborated and effective”.

Parliament: Androulakis’ PASOK insists on “no to everything”.

Hooked on the sterile opposition of “no to everything” PASOK-KIN.AL remains. and in the new era of Nikos Androulakis, as well as cheap impressions.
This was highlighted yesterday both with the vote against the principle of the first important bill after the election victory of Nikos Androulakis and concerns a series of provisions in order to speed up recruitment through ASEP, which have been bogged down for months and years, as well as with the amendment – “fireworks” for the suspension of funding of the Spartan party, through which he hypocritically tried to reap democratic laurels!

The refusal of PASOK-KIN.AL., with minor objections, not to vote in favor of the bill caused the Minister of the Interior, Theodoros Livanios, to comment characteristically to the deputies of PASOK-KIN.AL. that “you did not start the new term of Mr. Androulakis well”!

In high tones, too, Mr. Livanios rejected the sloppiness of PASOK-KIN.AL. regarding the filing for communication reasons of an amendment aimed at cutting the state funding of the Spartan party, saying that such provisions are serious business in which “dialogue, preparation and care are needed so that this arrangement is solid.” The minister, in fact, added that “we, in contrast to the nihilistic policy chosen by PASOK, listen to the proposals”, pointing out that in PASOK’s proposal “we see that there are some positive elements. We are prepared to discuss it in the next year together with our own proposals – since no other funding is pending to be given within 2024 – in order to jointly reach changes that will be voted on in Parliament in time.”

And the misleading statements used by PASOK-KIN.AL., Panagiotis Doudonis, that the government of N.D. gave as a pre-election grant to the Spartans 59,998 euros for their participation in the European elections, but they did not participate after the decision of the A1 Department of the Supreme Court, Mr. Livanios reminded the “forgotten” PASOK-KIN.AL. that this credit was inevitable for the services of the Ministry of the Interior, as SYRIZA and PASOK had already, in March 2019, voted for the “Kunduras bill”, where the grant for election expenses was converted, joined the state funding as a broad, of a general nature, funding to parties and is no longer closely linked to a party’s election participation and expenditure’.


To complete the judicial investigation

At the same time, the Minister of the Interior, Theodoros Livanios, pointed out to PASOK-KIN.AL. that “the identical amendment he had filed in September 2023 was impossible to accept, as there was no judicial development on the matter at that time, but the preliminary investigation of the Spartans by the Supreme Court had just begun. Even as we speak, the relevant judicial investigation is ongoing.” In fact, he directly called PASOK-KIN.AL.: “Don’t try to claim parts that you don’t deserve”.

The Minister of Development, Takis Theodorikakos at “SELPE’s Mornings”

Mitsotakis in Parliament: This year was the most difficult year of the last 40 years in terms of fire conditions – 112 lives were saved

Road charges: What you’ll pay for 2025 – The changes

Marinakis: I was shocked by Tsipras’ speech – It’s like Pinocchio coming to speak about the truth

Skylakakis: “Cheaper electricity bills in the fall and spring, in the summer they will go up”

November pensions: What time does the money go into the ATMs?

Takis Theodorikakos: The profit ceiling imposed on supermarkets will not be abolished

#Androulakis #Insists #opposition #creating #impressions #Parliament
The provided code is a snippet of JavaScript implementing Google Publisher Tags (GPT) for ad management⁢ on a website, specifically for the⁢ "" domain. Below is an ​explanation of key components and practices demonstrated in the ⁤code:

Key Components Explained:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- ‌The ⁤code uses googletag.defineSlot() ​ to set up various ad slots with⁣ different sizes and configurations. Each ad unit has an ​associated⁤ path (the ad unit ID) and possible ⁢display sizes.

⁣ - defineSizeMapping() is ‍utilized to‌ define different​ size mappings for responsive ad‍ slots that adapt to various screen sizes (e.g., desktop, mobile).

  1. Conditionally Setting Up Sidebar Ads:

‌ - The⁢ conditional check if (!window.isMobile) ⁣prevents certain sidebar‍ ads from being defined on mobile devices, making the ad delivery more context-appropriate.

  1. Targeting:

- The code uses ‍ setTargeting() to define targeting parameters (like pageType, category, ⁤and article_id) that⁤ help in⁤ delivering more relevant ads to users.

  1. Bootstrap Phase:

- In this section,⁤ several methods are called on‍ googletag.pubads() ⁣ to set up⁤ ads, such as collapsing empty divs, disabling the initial load of ads, enabling ​single request​ mode (which​ sends all requests to the ad server in a single call), and centering the ads.

  1. Displaying Ads:

- The displaySlot() function is called to actually ⁤render the predefined ad slots onto‍ the webpage.

  1. AdSense Management:

⁢ ‍ - There are segments⁣ that deal​ with displaying ⁢Google AdSense‍ ads ⁣conditionally based ⁤on whether ‌the user is on a mobile ‍device or desktop.

  1. Third-party Integrations:

- Code related to OneSignal (a push notification service), Disqus (a commenting platform), and​ placeholders for other ad networks (like Taboola, Phaistos Adman, and​ Glomex) indicate ‍integration with multiple external services⁢ for enhanced functionality.

  1. Timeouts and Async Loading:

- The use of setTimeout delays certain‍ script additions and allows for more controlled loading of resources to improve the performance and user ‌experience.

Clean-Up ​and Best Practices:

While the code operates effectively in setting up ad slots, here are a few best​ practices⁤ that could enhance it:

  • Commenting: More detailed comments could be added to explain the purpose of various segments or any complex logic.
  • Error Handling: Introduce error handling mechanisms ⁤to gracefully⁣ handle any issues during script loading or execution.
  • Optimize Load Order: Ensure that the scripts are loaded in an optimal‌ way (defer non-essential scripts) to improve page load times.
  • Use of Async/Await: Where possible, modern JavaScript features ‌like ⁤ async/await can make the‌ code‍ cleaner and easier to read compared ⁣to deeply nested⁤ callbacks.

By structuring and organizing the implementation with⁣ these ⁢considerations in mind, one can improve code maintainability and overall site performance.

Providers for enhanced functionality and monetization options.

Key Components Explained:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

- The code utilizes googletag.defineSlot() to configure several ad slots, each assigned a specific path and set of display sizes. This setup allows the website to serve various ad formats depending on the layout.

- defineSizeMapping() is included to create responsive ad slots that adapt their size based on the user's device screen (e.g., desktop vs. mobile), ensuring optimal display and user experience.

  1. Conditionally Setting Up Sidebar Ads:

- The conditional if (!window.isMobile) is used to ensure that certain sidebar ads are only shown on desktop devices. This targeted approach helps to avoid clutter and enhances the user experience on mobile platforms.

  1. Targeting:

- Using setTargeting(), the code specifies targeting parameters such as pageType, category, and article_id, allowing for more relevant ads to be served to users based on their interests and behavior.

  1. Bootstrap Phase:

- A series of method calls on googletag.pubads() set up the ad environment. This includes collapsing empty ad slots, disabling initial ad loads for improved performance, enabling single request mode to reduce latency, and centering ad positions, all crucial for seamless ad integration.

  1. Displaying Ads:

- The displaySlot() function is executed to render the ad slots already defined, ensuring that ads are displayed effectively within the webpage layout.

  1. AdSense Management:

- The code manages Google AdSense ads conditionally based on the user's device type, ensuring that users see appropriate ad types whether they are accessing the site on a mobile device or desktop.

  1. Third-party Integrations:

- Integration with services like OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for commenting functionality, and placeholders for additional ad networks (e.g., Taboola, Phaistos Adman, Glomex) showcases the website's aim to enhance user engagement and monetization through diverse channels.


This JavaScript snippet outlines a flexible and responsive ad management strategy designed to optimize ad delivery and user experience across different devices while integrating various third-party services to enhance functionality.

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