Bac 2023: how to get in shape and not stress (too much)? – Featured

16 mars 2023

The written exams for the baccalaureate specialties are held on March 20, 21 and 22. To avoid giving in to panic, and thus be in the best conditions, here are some tips.

Let’s start with food. Do not neglect it. Every morning between now and the tests (and even on D-Day), start with a protein-rich breakfast such as cottage cheese, eggs or ham. So you will not suffer the small hollow of 11 hours. For other meals, favor sources of essential fatty acids such as oily fish, perfect for strengthening neuronal connection. Ditto for slow carbohydrates, vitamins B and C.

be ready

The day before the baccalaureate, avoid revising. If you do it anyway, the session should be short. Then rest! You will need all your energy the next day. You can also clear your mind. Light physical activity, in addition to helping to release stress, brings oxygen to your brain. Be careful, however, not to overdo it. The objective is to put oneself in a state of taking a step back and of maximum oxygenation. And not to let off steam suddenly. Exercising too intensely burns the sugar stores the brain needs for proper thinking.

On the day of the trials, anxiety can occur at different times “, comments Laval University in Quebec. ” Right from the start, when meeting a difficult question or towards the end, when time flies. In any case, your attention turns away from the examination and the material to fixate on fears. »

To avoid finding yourself in this situation, here are some tips:

  • Start with the “easy” questions. This will serve as a warm-up for the mind;
  • Take time to breathe. When anxiety rises, the resulting lack of concentration can create careless errors. It is best to pause for 20-30 seconds and release the pressure;
  • Refocus. When anxiety takes over, your attention is no longer directed to matter but to negative thoughts. Try to refocus on the concepts studied;
  • Give time for reflection. Not finding the answer immediately is not a disaster. Some topics deserve further study;
  • Finally, don’t forget something to drink and snack on. If a craving hits you mid-morning, your mind will be focused on your stomach and not 100% on the test.



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