Baby born under rubble after Syria earthquake


Miraculously, baby is born under the rubble and survives

After the severe earthquake in Turkey and Syria, thousands of people are still missing. A newborn child has now been recovered in north-west Syria.


In north-west Syria, a child born in the rubble of the earthquake miraculously survived.


  • A newborn baby in Syria miraculously survived the earthquake.

  • His mother died during childbirth, the other family members perished in the earthquake.

  • Meanwhile, the rescue workers are feverishly searching for people who are still lying under the rubble.

It’s a terrible start in life and at the same time a miracle: Im Earthquake area in north-west Syria is from the rubble of a house a baby was rescued, still connected by the umbilical cord to its mother, who died in the disaster. The newborn girl is the sole survivor of her family. His father, his three sisters, his brother and his aunt could only be recovered dead from the rubble.

The family’s four-story home in the village of Janairis in the Afrin region fell because of the violent earthquake on Monday a. Relatives then searched for the buried family. “Then we heard a noise and we dug,” one of them, Chalil Sawadi, told the AFP news agency on Tuesday. “We cleared debris and found this little one, praise God.”

Baby was still connected by umbilical cord

The newborn was still connected by the umbilical cord to its mother, who will never know it now. “We cut the umbilical cord and my cousin took the baby to the hospital,” says Sawadi, describing the wonderful rescue.

A video circulated online of a man holding up a naked, dust-covered baby with the remains of his umbilical cord still hanging from his belly amidst the rubble. In the face of freezing temperatures, someone brings a blanket to wrap the newborn in. The baby was taken to a hospital in the nearby town of Afrin.

The baby’s condition is stable

There the little one was placed in an incubator and given infusions of vitamins. “She was brought in with her limbs stiff from the cold, her blood pressure had fallen,” her doctor Hani Maaruf told AFP. “We gave first aid and gave her infusions because she hadn’t had any milk for a long time.”

The baby suffered bruises, but the condition of the 3175 gram newborn is stable, says the doctor. According to his estimation, the baby was born about seven hours after the earthquake.

Die Recovery of the remaining family members lasted hours. Their bodies were lined up in front of a neighboring house and covered with cloths of different colors. Sawadi lists the names of the deceased and reports on the already difficult fate of the family, who had to flee their home region.

Family fled civil war

They had left the unstable Deir Essor region further east because of the civil war, hoping to be safe in Janairis, a place controlled by the Turkish army and pro-Turkish rebels. But for many people, Janairis became a death trap. About 50 buildings collapsed there.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Turkish-Syrian border area early Monday morning. Thousands of victims have already been recovered in the two countries. Also Swiss rescue workers are on duty.

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