Babler on Luger’s resignation: “He did what I suggested to him”

The resignation of Klaus Luger (SPÖ) as mayor of the city of Linz was the “only right decision,” said SP federal chairman Andreas Babler in a press release. Luger did what Babler “suggested to him.”

This is precisely the wording that Babler will not make any friends with the Linz Reds. In his farewell press conference, Luger himself stated that Babler’s request had played no role in his decision. Leading SPÖ members were already offended by the threat of arbitration proceedings and thus expulsion from the party, which had been published the day before. Babler had thus deviated from the agreed line, because the conversation with Luger had been held by regional party leader Michael Lindner – hours before Babler’s public statement. In doing so, he had stolen the show from Lindner – that was a serious foul.

Babler writes that he is happy that the SPÖ Linz now has “an experienced candidate for mayor in Dietmar Prammer and is making a fresh start”. The Linz city party can rely on the support of the federal government, the city has benefited from good social democratic politics for decades, and Babler will “do everything to ensure that this remains the case in the future”. Babler will organize the official National Council election campaign in Linz next Thursday – at the Ars Electronica Center.



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