“Babler announces intent to compete at SPÖ federal party conference in June”

2023-05-22 17:56:01

Because Babler reserves the right to compete at the federal party conference on June 3rd. He had already announced this in advance, and on Monday evening at an election party in Vienna he spoke out in favor of a new membership decision. How this might work must be discussed in the committees. Such an approach stands for respect towards the members, said Babler.

Babler had announced that he would only waive his candidacy if there was a clear vote, and there can be no talk of such a thing. According to the result announced by the chair of the election commission, Michaela Grubesa, on Monday followingnoon, the governor of Burgenland received 33.68 percent of the votes. Babler got 31.51 percent, Rendi-Wagner 31.35 percent. 3.46 percent were once morest all three options.

As Grubesa explained, 147,939 members of the SPÖ were eligible to vote. A total of 107,133 questionnaires were submitted. Of these, 106,952 were valid and 181 were invalid, which corresponds to an impressive turnout of 72.39 percent.

Rendi-Wagner thanks, statement on Tuesday

In a written statement, Rendi-Wagner thanked the members for their active participation: “Every vote that was cast was important – because it was cast out of the conviction that the SPÖ would be united and made strong once more.” Even if it was a very tight result, it is from her point of view “to be respected”.

On Tuesday in the presidium and in the federal party executive, the next steps and the federal party conference will be discussed together – the aim is a social-democratic federal government. Rendi-Wagner had announced in advance – like Doskozil – that he intended to stick to the members’ vote. Whether she is now resigning as advised will probably be announced on Tuesday morning in a press statement that has already been announced to the committees.

Doskozil wins member survey

Hans Peter Doskozil won the SPÖ member survey on party leadership and upcoming top candidacy.

The party presidency will be finally decided at the party conference on June 3 in Linz. For them, the member’s vote is at best a decision-making aid, because it is not binding. Should Babler actually compete, it will probably depend above all on the voting behavior of the Viennese delegates, who will win the race in the end.

Andreas Babeler at his graduation ceremony

APA/Helmut Fohringer

Babeler also reserves the right to compete once morest Doskozil at the federal party conference

Babeler: “Runoff election condition for unity”

The result was “madness”, said Babeler following the announcement of the result. “Without apparatus, without access to data” they got a third of the votes. “We just have to keep at it,” he said. If he had had more time, the result “might have looked completely different.” He also insisted on a “member offensive” by the SPÖ.

A little later, Babeler followed up by broadcast. “Now we have a result from the first round, but we haven’t made a decision yet.” There is no way around it – that is the condition for unity.” A candidate must have a clear majority behind him in order to claim power in the country.

Doskozil claims leadership

In a first reaction to ORF Burgenland, Doskozil said he was overwhelmed by the high turnout and the fact that he came first. At a press conference, Doskozil later said: “There is no question, we are within a certain range. But despite everything, I would like to emphasize at this point that this is a result that was brought regarding as a result of a democratic election, as a result of a democratic process.”

If he had finished second, with just one vote difference, he would have “known what I had to do,” he referred to the democratic decision of the majority. He therefore hoped that the federal party committees would deal with it accordingly on Tuesday.

Should he now become party leader, it would be his job to unite the party: “Tomorrow, or actually today, the path to unification for social democracy begins. We will only be able to win elections in the future if we now succeed in spanning the widest possible range over the positions of the social democrats.” All those who were committed to the two competitors must now be brought on board. “In the past we didn’t always give the best picture. Now is the time to correct that image.”

Examination of the election “to the best of our knowledge and belief”

The ballot papers were brought from Lower Austria to Vienna in a delivery van shortly before 10 a.m. on Monday, accompanied by Grubesa, among others. The votes cast online and by post were then merged and those cast twice were sorted out. The written voice had the advantage when different names were given. In addition, the correctness of the counting was randomly checked for ten percent of the votes.

Grubesa emphasized that the entire procedure had been checked by the election commission “to the best of its knowledge and belief” and found to be correct. The accuracy of the count was unanimously determined. Both the questionnaires submitted by post and those submitted online were counted while maintaining identity.

Citizens (ORF) on the SPÖ member vote

The first reactions of the three candidates following the announcement of the SPÖ membership decision do not sound like a final decision – how will things continue in the SPÖ? Hans Bürger (ZIB internal policy) answers.

SPÖ in third place in polls

The reactions of the ÖVP and FPÖ were unanimous following the results were announced. Both the liberal general secretary Michael Schnedlitz and his turquoise counterpart, Christian Stocker, saw the same thing as a prolongation of the “chaos days” among the social democrats due to the narrow result.

The Green General Secretary Olga Voglauer congratulated the SPÖ “on the successful completion of their member survey”. After the vote, the Social Democrats can now return to the negotiating table “and reflect on their former state-supporting role,” she hopes.

Polls currently see the SPÖ in third place behind the FPÖ and ÖVP – despite issues such as inflation, which should actually accommodate a social democratic party in opposition. One of the main reasons for this is the undecided question of leadership.

#SPÖ #Doskozil #wins #member #survey



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