BAAC Research Center forecasts agricultural prices for January 2022

Saturday 08 January 2022

BAAC Innovation Research and Development Center points out the demand for products during the New Year festival and government measures. As a result, in January 2022, the price of most agricultural products, namely jasmine paddy. sticky paddy maize raw sugar Raw rubber sheet, swine, vannamei shrimp and beef cattle tend to increase in price. In terms of paddy, cassava and oil palm There is a tendency to lower prices.

Mr. Somkiat Kimawaha, deputy manager of the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) revealed that the BAAC Research and Innovation Center forecasts agricultural prices in January 2022. These include jasmine rice, priced at 9,966 – 10,075 baht/ton, an increase of 1.17% – 2.27 percent from the previous month due to Hong Kong’s demand for jasmine rice for use during the Chinese New Year. In addition, the government has implemented a loan program to slow down the sale of in-season paddy in order to slow down the sale of rice that has been released to the market in the past. Long-grain glutinous paddy, priced at 8,160 – 8,460 baht/ton, an increase of 1.18% – 4.90 percent from the previous month, due to less production of in-season glutinous paddy in the market. And the government has implemented credit measures to slow down the sale of paddy in the year. Maize prices are at 9.08 – 9.16 baht / kg, an increase of 0.85 – 1.73 percent from the previous month due to the end of the first maize harvesting season to the corn planting period. The second generation of animal husbandry (maize after the field) resulted in the low supply of maize to the market with only 2.59% of the year’s production. While the demand for maize for animal feed production continues to increase. In addition, there is still competition in price. As a result, entrepreneurs have to increase the purchase price of maize in the area. Raw sugar in the New York market was priced at 18.97 – 19.41 cents/pound (14.05 – 14.38 baht/kg.), an increase of 1.87% – 4.25 percent from the previous month due to increased demand for sugar imports from many countries. because of the sugar content of consumer countries It started to decline and lower shipping costs reduced the cost of sugar imports. In addition, the demand for ethanol increased from the rising trend of crude oil prices. This caused entrepreneurs in Brazil to reduce their proportion from using sugarcane to produce sugar. switch to more ethanol production In addition, 57 sugar factories in Brazil were closed during November. As a result, the world’s sugar production decreased.

Grade 3 raw rubber sheet priced at 54.95 – 55.90 baht/kg, an increase of 3.46% – 5.25 percent from the previous month due to concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 virus. new species As a result, there is a demand for rubber gloves in the medical industry for the treatment of COVID-19. or vaccinated against COVID-19 to more patients In addition, the government has implemented measures to stabilize the government’s para rubber in order to absorb the production of para rubber in the market.

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Pork, priced at 77.56 – 81.29 baht/kg, an increase of 1.45 – 6.31 percent from the previous month due to higher demand for pork from restaurants and consumers for consumption during the New Year’s festival. Meanwhile, the production of pigs tends to decline due to the slowdown of the pig farmers due to the high production cost. White vannamei shrimp priced at 163.73 – 164.39 baht/kg, an increase of 0.45 – 0.85 percent from the previous month due to the low production of Vannamei shrimp in the market, only 5.82% of the year’s output. Meanwhile, the demand for shrimp consumption increased in line with the recovery of consumption confidence and domestic travel and beef cattle, priced at 98.00 – 101.00 baht/kg, increased by 0.29 – 3.36 percent from the previous month due to the shopping atmosphere. Use during the New Year Although the event has been canceled in some areas but there is no restriction on returning to the homeland conducive to tourism businesses, services and restaurants can be opened including gradually sending live beef cattle to China through Laos At present, there is a demand for more than 500,000 cows, which is a positive factor for the price of beef cattle that farmers can sell.

Agricultural products that have a tendency to decline in prices include paddy rice, 15% moisture, priced at 7,644 -7,701 baht/ton, a decrease of 0.70-1.43% from the previous month due to intense competition in rice export prices with competitors. And India, the world’s No. 1 rice exporter, has released more rice in stock. Cassava, priced at 2.20 – 2.26 baht / kg, decreased from the previous month by 0.88 – 3.51 percent, due to the time when the produce comes to the market. The most in January 2022, approximately 6.59 million tons, representing 20.15 percent of the full year production of 2021. Oil palm prices are at 8.10 – 8.40 baht / kg, a decrease of 3.22% – 6.60 percent from the previous month due to the government measures still Requesting cooperation from extraction mill operators to freeze crude palm oil prices as bottled palm oil prices rise to alleviate the suffering of consumers There are also concerns about a new wave of coronavirus that could result in a drop in travel oil demand.


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