B2H is the only model that suits business in 2024 – Marketing on vc.ru

2024-02-12 08:02:14

B2B, B2C, B2G – you can forget regarding this alphabet. If you don’t have the main thing, no business model will help you. I propose a concept that should become the basis for modern companies if they want fame, profit, customer and employee loyalty.

Business was created by people for people, and you shouldn’t try to deceive yourself. Therefore, in 2024, talking to people in the language of business and AI is unfashionable. This applies not only to the client circuit. B2H or Business to Human is a common thread in business relationships with employees, partners, clients and other businesses.

In this article I’ll tell you regarding an approach that got lost somewhere between marketing research and the desire to increase sales by hook or by crook (hello, hated telemarketing!). In addition to the fact that people create businesses, these same people use the services of other businesses. And in such a situation, it is B2H that will save us from mutual disappointment.

Therefore, I proclaim 2024 as the year of business for people, and myself as a guru and preacher of B2H, one who openly declares a new model, and the first to comprehensively prescribe the scope of its application. Allow me such an immodest role, dear readers. After all, in the end, a little quixoticism and battles with windmills in the comments awaits me. Although I personally believe that the majority today want to do things honestly, openly and usefully! So, let’s go!

About B2H and the fourth communication model

These two concepts, in my opinion, are very related. In general, everything good has long been invented, but we continue to search and in this search we move away from the main thing.

PR pioneers Grunig and Hunt described 4 communication models:

  • publicity,
  • working with journalists,
  • asymmetrical communication,
  • symmetrical communication.

The fourth model of communication, namely honest social partnership, is a driver not only for development, but also for the real survival of business.

The topic is simple and clear. The most progressive ones will quickly pick up and implement, and clumsy and unecological competitors, stuck within the framework of authoritarian propaganda models, will simply drown in front of the new positive virus, which is already in the air as I write these lines.

Now I will give a specific definition.

B2H is the most important functional superstructure over all types of relationships between business and people. Namely, over all the widely known concepts of B2B/B2G/B2C/C2C, how many more there are, in other words, all this is primarily B2H, whatever one may say. People are at the center, and businesses have grown around their needs.

Sales and B2H

We’re not sleeping, guys! They told you everything back in 2022.

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“Marketing is consistently changing along with technology. And today it is no longer enough to classify the relationship between the company and the end buyer solely as B2C or B2B. A new strategy has emerged – B2H”

I agree with the thesis above 100%. I won’t quote the article, I have my own idea, and it’s even more complex. The use of outdated classical models leads business to making serious mistakes in relation to modern man.

Let me give you an example of my conversation with an operator at Tinkoff Bank. It’s winter, I’m outside, training. The phone rings, I pick up, my favorite bank is trying to sell me some credit crap. I calmly answer that I am Stanislav Seleznev, and I will not even quarrel with you, and if you allow yourself to do this once more, I will give a start to your business slowly beginning to be sucked into the abyss. I shortened the dialogue, but left the essence.

Any bestiality on the part of business today is top content for the network. In 2024, people are impatient and can easily talk regarding their experiences with your business. By the way, we understood each other with Tinkoff Bank then.

He gave a couple more examples in his previous articles:

Let me get to the point: cover up your telemarketing or be extremely careful with it. One mistake by a contractor can cost you such potential reputational and other losses that it is difficult to even predict. You will get hype online, but then they won’t buy from you simply out of principle. We need to look for more transparent and honest ways. Show that you are not just a soulless business, but that you are people too and want to make the lives of others better.

Marketing and B2H

2023, August 23, Ivan Chirkov, head of the brand Netologiesopenly states that budgets need to be allocated for image advertising. And this, for a second, is that classic PR, the fourth model of communication, which is social partnership and the implementation of B2H in marketing.

2024, January 26, 17:47 – we record the event if we were sleeping! Creative director and chief brand strategist of the Kuraga marketing agency Anton Udodov, together with his team, analyzed various reports from marketing and strategic agencies to compile a list of promotion trends relevant in 2024.

Anton is on topic and already in the first line says an important thing – a person needs a person. Now this fact does not seem so important, but if your eyes are attentive to the very bottom, then you will understand how much Anton rummages through the topic.

Branding and B2H

Marvelous! This virus is here too!

2024, January 16, the business world shook with B2H in branding. Unexpectedly for all of us, it turned out that companies without values ​​do not inspire trust and lose their position in the competition. Humanity and openness are becoming important components; this is a trend that is becoming increasingly widespread.

I’ll shorten the thought: a person is tired of communicating with leeches, frogs, robots and car assistants.

  • A person is interested in communicating with a person who represents a business.
  • A person wants attention to himself and his person.
  • The person behind the business wants to see the person, attitude, philosophy, values ​​and attention to detail.
  • A person wants to see what’s in the “kitchen” of your business. It’s more likely that it’s not even that interesting to buy something that was created perfectly by a robot; you want that very original, albeit imperfect, but with a piece of the soul of a person or team.

Working with partners and B2H

And here B2H is more relevant than ever.

A recent example. The head of the sales department brought partners to me for joint marketing activities. We created a joint chat and beat around the bush. And now one of our tasks is updating the site. There is no activity in the chat regarding marketing, but the CEO of this image agency is actively barging me in a personal message and immediately announces ready-made solutions in the context of the future website of our company. As soon as I said that we had our own way, the chat with marketing activity died.

Or here’s another one. The ROP of the second partner brought me to me. They also, they say, want a joint webinar. Let’s call them “Infogypsies and Partners.” They automate a turnkey business, in their words. But perhaps with someone else’s hands, because our own were only enough to throw an uncertain prez into the general chat. Then I tried to set up a meeting with their digital director. The description of merit on the website was impressive. However, in the end, the cool specialist did not come to the agreed meeting. And only following a while he answered something like: “Sorry, colleagues.”

Everything is simple here: don’t penetrate your partners’ heads, otherwise the partners will get together with other partners, and they won’t take you to the party. I remember Franz Kafka and his “Metamorphosis”: “One day he started eating from under the table, and no one allowed him to sit at the table anymore.”

Internal contour of the company, HR and B2H

Let us remember Anton, who is on topic and, despite the fact that he is the CEO of the agency, already writes in the first line – together with the team. CEOs generally love a lot regarding themselves, how honored they are of all Rus’ and the 25th Dan from the 19th generation. They hide the personnel who work for them, especially in small companies, because they are afraid that they will cheat. What are you afraid of? Yes, because there is something to be afraid of, this feeling doesn’t just arise.

People are the main asset and capital of a company. Let me give you a classic diagram. There is an initiative specialist who came to the company and entered on a certain check. The company sees that he is great, but does not pay any more money. Why should a business buy for 2 rubles what it buys for a ruble? The approach can work with goods, products and raw materials, but not with people.

If a business builds relationships with its employees on the same principles as with a business, it will lose twice. Not only have you lost in many other business communications and limited the positive potential, but your employees are either simply going into a stage of freezing and stopping their development, or they may soon find themselves in a place where business is with them as people.

The ideal model for a business is for an employee to think like an owner. Bring this idea to the business owner, and he will nod his head, saying, what a cool idea. Only now will he think regarding the fact that it would be good to go beyond the usual and no longer so effective model of relationships.

Discipline from the top, care for employees, friendly communication within, creating and maintaining conditions for people’s development – B2H in the internal circuit. And today you definitely need to invest no less in this than in marketing or sales.

Similar approach:

  • reduces hiring costs,
  • increases the employee life cycle,
  • spins the flywheel of initiatives and potential.

B2H is the red thread and driver of financial success in 2024 and ad infinitum. First sew this thread on yourself, and then on your business or the business you work for, and everything will be ok. This will simply ensure survivability. The topic will be picked up right now. You can tinker with words for a long time, but the model is working.

And if you want an ideal implementation scheme specifically for your company, then either do it yourself or come to me. I can tell you, or I can come into your business and change it. If you get the message, then just be happy and do it. As for me, genius is simple.


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