Ayurveda herbal detox treatment with Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

2024-04-05 13:32:52

My friend Tine told me a long time ago that she regularly takes the herbal detox treatment according to Dr. Schachinger does. I knew pretty much how this herbal detox treatment worked, but I was always afraid of it. And now I’ve made them twice.

Purify with the herbal detox treatment

Like a cat sneaking around the bush, I kept sneaking around this detox. I’m a Pitta type and was terrified of going hungry.
But everything changed when I met my friend and her husband in the park for a little picnic and they were regarding to do the herbal detox treatment. She brought warm food in thermal containers. It was all so incredibly tasty, delicious and, above all, plentiful that my fear of starving disappeared into thin air.

Goals of the Ayurvedic herbal detox treatment

The goal of an Ayurvedic herbal detox treatment is to detoxify and get rid of ama. I have already written a blog post regarding Ama, toxins and metabolic waste. Scroll down there a bit and you can take the test to see if you have Ama. Typical symptoms are, for example:

With this herbal detox treatment you can get rid of a lot of metabolic waste without much effort. Since the treatment, Paul can finally sleep well once more. This alone makes him feel much more energetic. He says he never expected that this treatment would bring such a big change in his life.

Why do an herbal detox treatment?

Even Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger, who has been living according to all the rules of Ayurvedic art for 50 years, does this treatment two to three times a year. I don’t live 100% according to Ayurveda’s recommendations every day and thereby accumulate Ama. As I write this, I’m drinking a cup of coffee. Unfortunately, it’s not Ayurvedic at all, but it’s delicious.
Every person accumulates Ama throughout his life. Ama are the metabolic residues that accumulate in the body and are the basis for disease. With this herbal detox treatment you cleanse your body of Ama and strengthen Agni, the digestive fire.
If you often feel tired and exhausted, perhaps listless or full of worries, then this herbal detox treatment with Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger and his daughters Dr. Valeria and Jana highly recommended.

Light as a balloon

Typically Ayurveda: the treatment requires personal responsibility

In Ayurveda there are no injections or pills that eliminate symptoms. But Ayurveda strengthens your sense of responsibility for your life and your health. This means that you learn to pay more and more attention to what is good for you and which lifestyle keeps your doshas in balance.
Conversely, if you don’t listen to your inner voice and bring your doshas into imbalance, you will notice more and more quickly how your joy in life is gradually draining away. What I particularly liked regarding these webinars was that I learned to develop and expand exactly this feeling.

Forest walk

The Ayurvedic magic formula

This cleansing treatment brings together four Ayurvedic elements:

  1. Your digestion is relieved because you eat vegan and light. This strengthens Agni, your digestive fire.
  2. The Ayurvedic herbal tablets included in each package activate your body’s own detoxification.
  3. A classic Ayurvedic colon cleanse is carried out with castor oil.
  4. Five different exercises from Ayurveda and yoga round everything off gently and effectively.

How does the herbal detox treatment work?

The treatment lasts a total of twelve days. During this time it would be good not to have any challenging appointments.

1. Tag

Introduction and overview
Ideally, this is a Friday so that the colon cleansing day on the ninth day is a Saturday.
Day 1 begins in the evening with a lesson, either live or recorded. Dr. Schachinger and his daughters Dr. In this lesson, Valeria and Jana explain how the coming days will unfold. That gave me a lot of security.

2nd to 8th day

Cheer on Agni
From the 2nd to the 8th day you eat according to the instructions of the treatment. This will all be explained to you in detail and in great detail. Everything is described so well in both the enclosed booklet and the daily newsletters that you can’t go wrong. And I’ll describe it to you in detail below so that you know what you’re getting yourself into.

Everything is included in your detox package that will be sent to you in the mail: a booklet with perfect instructions, recipes for the meals and all the herbal tablets you need for this time. There is also the oil for Gandusha and Abhyanga, a pack of alkaline powder and even a pack of kitchary, the traditional Indian rice dish. You mightn’t be better prepared.
On the 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th evenings you will enjoy another lesson with the Schachingers. And I’m sure, no matter how long you’ve been studying Ayurveda, you’ll learn something new!
The lessons are full of endless knowledge, practical tips for everyday life, yoga exercises and massage of the Marma points.

9. Tag

Cleansing day with castor oil
A bottle of castor oil is included in your package. The accompanying booklet describes exactly how to take it. Dr. Schachinger has developed a method that allows you to easily swallow the castor oil. In addition, in the lesson the evening before, you will be explained exactly how this day will work. It is important that you do not make any plans for this day. You’ll spend a lot of time on the toilet, that’s the point of the exercise.

10th to 12th day or even longer

Stabilization through light nutritional diet
Now you can carefully start with a restorative diet once more. You can use a little more ghee and valuable oils. Raw foods in the form of small portions of salad are now possible once more.
Depending on your constitution, you can slowly return to your usual diet – or not at all! During this time you will probably have sharpened your sense of well-being and will be able to feel better regarding what is good for you and what you should not eat, drink or do.

favorable food combinations

Unusual: Prohibitions during the treatment

In Ayurveda there are actually no prohibitions, only recommendations. That’s why I like Ayurveda so much. But this treatment only makes sense if you stick to the following points as much as possible during this time:

  • No coffee, no black or green tea
  • No sweets
  • No fried, grilled, heavy foods
  • No raw food, no raw fruit
  • Nothing cold from the fridge
  • No finished products
  • No dairy products
  • No whole wheat bread
  • No alcohol, no nicotine
  • No carbonated drinks

But as always in Ayurveda, these are recommendations following all. Dr. Schachinger explained in one of his lessons that for someone who eats a lot of meat, smokes and regularly drinks alcohol, not drinking alcohol and avoiding meat during the herbal detox treatment is a big deal. You just have to look where you start from. If you’re vegan anyway, it’s not difficult to adhere to the strict recommendations.

Knit and relax

The Recommendations for Happiness

There are recommendations that will increase your feeling of happiness. It might be strange at first, but from the third day onwards it became really easy for me and I stuck with it for quite a while:

  • Get up early, if possible in Vata time before 6 a.m
  • Morning routine with brushing teeth, cleaning tongue and Gandusha.
  • Start the day with lemon honey water
  • Drink half a cup of hot water every half hour. I set a timer!
  • No snacks – never, never, ever! If things get bad, lick a teaspoon of honey.
  • Walk for at least 20 minutes every day.
  • Watch as little television as possible and spend as little time on the computer as possible.
  • Go to bed early, if possible before Pitta time, i.e. before 10 p.m.

Headache and everything hurts

The Ayurvedic herbal detox treatment releases Ama from your body. I don’t want to hide it from you, but rather point it out explicitly beforehand: This treatment is not a wellness experience, this treatment is strenuous! Dr. Schachinger says that you can easily work during the treatment and do your usual business. This may apply to him, as he has been doing this cleanse several times a year for many years. But when you do it for the first time or even the second and third time, you will feel the waste products being released from your body. This can lead to headaches, malaise, body aches, stomach aches, fatigue and all sorts of discomfort.
But at least these unpleasant side effects are a sure sign that it’s working and that something really is happening – something really good.

Live webinar or independent of time with a recorded webinar

My first herbal detox treatment according to Dr. I made Schachinger in the fall when Paul was in Denmark with his friend and I stayed home alone. For the very first treatment, I preferred to be alone with it. I didn’t know whether I would become a ravenous tiger or whether I would mutate into a bad-tempered stinking boot. Neither of these things happened. This first course back then was a recorded webinar. Six months later I booked a live webinar and did it together with Paul.

Benefits of a recorded webinar

  • Start time can be freely selected
  • Evening lessons can be viewed at any time
  • It’s a little cheaper than a live webinar

Disadvantages of a recorded webinar

  • No questions can be asked following the lessons

Six months later I and Paul did the live webinar with Dr. Schachinger and his daughters Dr. Valeria and Jana Schachinger made it. That was even better!

Advantages of a live webinar

  • Questions can be asked following the evening lessons
  • It’s always new and constantly updated
  • The experiences from previous seminars are incorporated

Disadvantages of a live webinar

  • It only takes place once a year during Lent in winter
  • You have to be available for exactly this set date.
  • It is slightly more expensive than the recorded webinar

Package with all herbal tablets for the Vata type

The best comes last – €10 discount

I have from Dr. Schachinger received a friend link. If you click on it and then book your webinar, you will get a €10 discount. I also get a small credit, which of course I don’t want to keep secret. Since I write this blog on a voluntary basis and always have to pay bills for the legally correct dispatch of the newsletter and the technical maintenance of my website, I am very happy regarding it.

€10 discount for your herbal detox treatment

Once you click on this link, you will discover more webinars from the Schachingers. They are all super interesting and highly recommended. It doesn’t matter which webinar you choose, but you will only get the €10 if you click on the link and register and book from there.

Click here to go to Dr.’s website. Schachinger and his team: Somamed

An enrichment for life

This herbal detox treatment has been an enrichment for my entire life. I learned and experienced so many new things in the evening lessons – even though I have been studying Ayurveda for many years.

After the 12 days, I was not only very proud of having achieved it, I also felt energized and happy.

I also wish you a great enrichment of knowledge and, above all, that you get rid of a lot of things that you no longer need.

PS: I love coffee, but I managed not to drink coffee during the entire treatment. The Ayurvedic Raja’s Cup helped me.
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