Ayacucho: governor criticized that there is passivity in Congress and the Government

Carlos Ruaregional governor of ayacuchoHe regretted that neither the Executive nor Congress have taken measures to put an end to the political and social crisis that has been going on for a week in the country. In this sense, he revealed that he gave his claims to the president In Boluarte regarding what is happening in your region.

“We see that there is a lot of passivity in Congress, there is no reaction from the Executive. This is getting more and more dangerous. We cannot have more time to make decisions and seek pacification in the regions of the country. In this sense, yesterday I spoke personally with Mrs. Boluarte and I told her that my town is bleeding and it is not possible that as president she would allow that,” she said on the program Everything is known of RPP.

the governor of ayacucho He also criticized the fact that the death of eight people in his city and the few decisions that the ministers have made have been taken with indifference in Lima.

“At other times, the ministers would have resigned immediately, because now we see how an Ayacucho dies, unfortunately from Lima they look with indifference. I believe that Peruvians have the same rights. In this sense, as governor I express my concern and to this day today we are seeing how the national government, Congress, does not solve this crisis that the country is experiencing and we are going to have more deaths,” said the governor.

Secondly, Rua reiterated that President Dina Boluarte is responsible for what happened in Ayacucho due to the state of emergency decree.

“With this emergency decree we have had this confrontation. We know that the Police have a function, our Army is prepared for terrorism, so it has gotten out of hand and has generated the number of deaths. We are holding Mrs. Dina Boluarte responsible because she is in charge of our country,” he said.

Institutions are burned and looted

Around 300 protesters burned and looted the facilities of the Superior Court of Justicea bank and the headquarters of a telephone company in the province of Huamanga, in the Ayacucho region.

The subjects entered the Plaza de Armas in the city to destroy public and private institutions. This despite the transfer of more police officers to control acts of violence.

In the morning it was also known that two offices of the Prosecutor’s Office were burned by the protesters who, since yesterday, intensified their protests demanding the closure of Congress, as well as new elections. So far it is known that eight people died in the region during the demonstrations.



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