Awkward, anxious and false smiles: the analysis of the non-verbal language of the release of Juan Darthés

2023-06-22 21:09:00

Forty days have passed since the acquittal by the Brazilian Justice of the actor known as Juan Darthes in the case of sexual abuse against Thelma Fardin (30). Last week the defendant issued a message that was disseminated on the social networks of his lawyer. “Talking to you about the destruction of life, my past, my work and irreparable damage makes no sense,” he said in the video shared by Fernando Burlando and thanked: “Justice has already issued two rulings and they were clear and forceful and for I want to thank God for taking care of my family”.

The words delivered that message. But what did their gestures, looks and movements convey? In the observation of non-verbal language, he was seen “uncomfortable”, “anxious” and with a “false smile”.according to an expert consulted by PROFILE.

Juan Rafael Pacifico (59), who is known under the pseudonym Darthés, speaks in a home video that he sent to Burlando on June 12, a month after the Brazilian justice system acquitted him “for the benefit of the doubt”. There the actor avoids looking at the camera in the great part of the film that lasts ninety seconds.. He is observed in the foreground, with a beard and somewhat accelerated.

The psychologist, forensic expert and specialist in non-verbal language, Irene Siriani analyzed the details of the video and highlighted some striking aspects of what Darthés said with his body, beyond the words that his mouth spoke. “Does not look directly at the camera; being an actor, he knows exactly how to address himself to a camera to generate closeness/trust/intimacy in the speech. In addition, his look alternates, at times when referring to her life and her career, she looks briefly at the camera, but when touching topics such as justice or process avoid eye contact”, he details.

And in this sense it specifies that “does not look at the camera as an avoidance gesture of the situation, of making contact with the subject, you don’t feel comfortable talking about it”.

A sustained increase in the normal frequency of blinking is observed, which together with fluctuations in the rhythm of breathing and the gesture of rubbing hands; make us think that he is going through a state of intense anxiety at that moment”, describes Siriani and emphasizes that “microexpressions related to disgust, contempt and negative emotions appear when he mentions the legal process he had to go through and the strong social condemnation he was subjected to”.

According to Fardín’s complaint, everything happened in a hotel in Nicaragua in 2009 when the young woman, who was 16 years old at the timeentered the actor’s room to call reception because his card had been misconfigured and he could not open the door of his room. According to her story, Darthés (44 years old at the time) threw her on the bed, groped her, performed oral sex on her, and penetrated her.

This last point is the one that for the Brazilian judge Fernando Toledo Carneiro was not irrefutably proven during the trial so he decided to acquit him for the “benefit of the doubt.” In addition, due to the Brazilian regulations in force at the time of the complaint, the actor could only receive a sentence if the rape with carnal access was confirmed because, in the case of another type of sexual abuse, the statute of limitations had already expired.

Thelma denounced that she was abused by Darthés on a Patito Feo tour of Nicaragua in 2009.

In the video, Darthés thanks Burlando for accompanying him and the people who supported him during “these almost five years”, since the complaint filed in 2018 by Thelma. “Talking to you about the destruction of life, my past, work and irreparable damage, does not make sense. I think you know it and I’m not going to stay there. Because everyone has their struggles. But hey, Justice has already issued two rulings and they were clear and forceful. So I want to thank. I want to thank God, because you took care of my family and the people I love and that is the most important thing”, says the actor.

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“And to you – he continues his thanks – to each one of you who, despite that daily struggle, could think of the best for this. Clear, The best thing would be Justice, right? But Justice has its times. Listening to everyone and not just one version, a single story. Not prejudging. Not entering into social condemnation. And you did it with messages, with a hug, with a look, with prayers… And it was very important for us, it was a healer. And I wanted to thank you.”

On this point, Siriani explains that he observed in Darthés that “the few smiles that are seen on his face when he thanks are not authentic the accompaniment and support of his lawyer”.

Darthés was acquitted by the Brazilian justice last May.

It is visible that he has no reason for a genuine smilethat he is thanking (perhaps by prior agreement or at the request of his lawyer) and that his expression on the subject is far from joy. He looks frankly uncomfortable and anxious, in a hurry to finish declaring very briefly his thanks to the lawyer and his team”, highlighted the specialist.

Siriani explains that “an inauthentic smile is a false, feigned smile, a social smile but that is not accompanied by any other emotional expression of joy or satisfaction” and points out that “there is no moment of the video in which genuine joy or satisfaction is manifested, he is very anxious all the time and the only emotions that appear are negative”.

The trial against Darthés for sexual abuse began on November 30, 2021, two years after Thelma filed the complaint. After the acquittal in the first instance, the actress appealed and responded to the video made by the actor: “I tell the truth and I am going to prove it. let’s appealr” and ended with a “message for the girls”. “These dinosaurs are not going to silence us because they have a friendly Justice on their side”he assured.


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