Aware of Food Crisis, Ministry of Agriculture Focuses on Increasing Rice Production – 2024-07-31 19:11:27

Officers prepare water pump machine assistance during a standby roll call at the IV/Diponegoro Military Command field, Semarang, Central Java, Tuesday (23/4). (ANTARA/MAKNA ZAEZAR)

Deputy Minister of Agriculture (Wamentan) Sudaryono said that his party is currently focusing on increasing production, especially rice plants, through the pumping and land optimization (Oplah) program to be aware of the potential for a food crisis.

“What is clear is that the Ministry of Agriculture is not on holiday day and night, not resting. I can assure you that we are ensuring the pumping, piping, and circulation of the swampy areas day and night,” said Sudaryono when met at the Ministry of Agriculture Building, Jakarta, on Monday (29/7).

In addition to holding a pumping program, he continued, the Ministry of Agriculture also pays attention to the distribution and utilization of pumps distributed to regions in Indonesia.

“Because the end result of the Ministry of Agriculture’s achievement is the harvest, how to harvest enough for the food needs of our people,” he added.

Furthermore, Sudaryono said that there is no other way to avoid a food crisis other than speeding up the pumping and distribution program.

“That’s why the Minister emphasized that it is our concern at the Ministry of Agriculture to pursue the target. We are targeting that the pumps must be distributed by mid-August, they must arrive, because why? If they arrive later, it’s like when someone dies, the medicine just arrives, we want to arrive at the right situation,” he explained.

Also read: Ministry of Agriculture Encourages Pumping and Accelerates Rice Planting in Nganjuk, East Java

He also revealed that one of the rice exporting countries to Indonesia, namely Vietnam, is currently experiencing difficulties due to climate change issues.

“So what we want to convey is a sense of urgency, we are urgent about food matters, don’t take it lightly,” he concluded.

As is known, the total pumping that has been utilized throughout Indonesia is approximately 20,559 units or an area of ​​582,528 hectares of pumping that has been realized. Currently, pumping activities are also in line with the expansion of planting areas (PAT) throughout Indonesia. (Z-6)

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