avoid this bad eating habit to lose weight!

2023-10-22 17:00:52

Do you want to lose weight, but you can’t seem to make progress, no matter what you do? You may have fallen victim to a bad eating habit that is preventing you from progressing without even knowing it.

In a recent revelation, a health and wellness coach identified this habit as the root cause of the difficulties many people face losing weight. Find out what this habit is and how you can avoid falling into its traps if optimal health is at the heart of your concerns!

Losing weight: should we sacrifice the fun of the family weekend?

If our motivations for getting in shape have evolved – abandoning the unrealistic and unhealthy pursuit of the perfect body two months before summer – there is no denying that we are always looking to refine and tone our figure to feel good regarding ourselves every day. In order to lose those extra pounds that hinder our well-being, many of us adopt a balanced and healthy diet during the week, carefully monitoring what we consume, from breakfast to dinner.

However, knowing that it is essential to indulge in taste to maintain our motivation and our good habits, it is common to enjoy weekends to relax our dietary rules somewhat and reward ourselves for the efforts made. This corresponds more or less to the notion of the “cheat meal” (this joke meal during which we allow ourselves to eat what we want when we are on a diet). However, this practice can be counterproductive, especially when it comes to losing weight and fat mass.

How to achieve a sustainable nutritional balance and lose weight in the long term?

According to Emilien Mary, a personal sports coach, excessive reliance on “cheat meals” represents one of the most frequent and widespread problems for those seeking to lose weight. On his Instagram account, he maintains that giving in to the temptation of too many pleasure meals during the weekend greatly harms the progress made and prevents weight loss, despite the efforts made during the week.

To reconcile the pleasure of letting go occasionally and the need to maintain a balanced diet to achieve our goals, the sports coach offers some tips and advice to take into account when planning our weekend meals. Thus, it is possible to continue enjoying our favorite dishes without compromise the efforts invested and the expected results. So don’t wait any longer and take notes to get the most out of your pleasure meals, while staying on track towards a toned figure and better health!

How to balance pleasure and diet: Tips and advice for a healthy weekend!

Don’t panic, it is entirely possible to combine convivial moments around a good meal with family or an aperitif with friends with the pursuit of your slimming goals. The trick is to find a compromise by being more balanced in your food choices, while remaining careful not to let these occasional deviations turn into uncontrolled overeating, as Emilien Mary points out.

To achieve this, he suggests implementing a strategy which consists of reducing caloric intake in anticipation of these moments of gastronomic pleasure. For example, if you have planned a large dinner on a Saturday evening, it is recommended to adapt your calorie consumption for breakfast and lunch that day by opting for lean protein sources, vegetables and some fruits, which are both nutritious and low in calories. For example, you can eat a large serving of Skyr with a piece of fruit in the morning, then make a lunch of a serving of chicken with grilled vegetables, that way you’ll leave room for more calories for dinner.

In this way, you will be able to treat yourself to the luxury of enjoying a gourmet meal without compromising your slimming efforts. By adopting a more moderate approach and planning your food day wisely, you will be able to control your calorie consumption overall, even on weekends.

The secret to losing weight while enjoying yourself therefore lies in balance and planning, as well as understanding the needs of our body and the impact of different food categories on our weight. It’s regarding to learn to make informed choices and moderate taste pleasureswhile maintaining a varied and balanced diet, in order to allow our body to function optimally and help us achieve our slimming goals.

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