Avocado, a superfood linked to heart health

2024-01-12 10:58:53

Guacamole fans, rejoice! Avocado is rich in (good) fats, which are rather rare in the fruit and vegetable aisle. Just like olive oil or hazelnuts, it contains omega 9, a fatty acid known to increase our good cholesterol levels. A recent study from Ohio University in the United States even showed that certain components of avocado are capable of finding and destroying cancer cells in the mouth before they have time to do so. damages !

The lawyer in a few words

The lawyer (persea americana) is a fruit native to tropical America from the Lauraceae family – which also includes cinnamon and bay leaf -. Historically, the avocado is a fruit consumed for millennia in Mexico and Peru: pre-Columbian civilizations (from – 1300 BC) already consumed it! Today, Mexico remains the world’s leading producer: it is estimated that 30% of world production comes from this country. The other producers? The Dominican Republic, Peru, Colombia… The avocado arrived in Europe in the 17th century… before experiencing incomparable popularity in recent decades.

There are several species of avocados of different size and color; the best known are distinguished according to their origin (namely Mexico, Guatemala or Antilles). The best-known variety is undoubtedly theavocat Hass : a small avocado with thick, rigid and grainy skin, tending to dark brown when ripe. Other species – less known – can also be cited: the Fuerte avocado (which has a pear shape and dark green skin), the Ettinger avocado (more elongated), the Nabal avocado (originating of Israel), lawyer Lula, lawyer Reed (grown in Spain), lawyer Bacon, Boulittre, Clifton, Duke, Ganter, Gottfried, Ignacio, Mayo, Mexicola, Mexicola grande, Northrop, Puebla, Stewart, Teague, Topa Topa, Walter Hole, Zutano…

Did you know ? Legend has it that the avocado owes its name to its characteristic shape. As he might in pairs, the Aztecs had nicknamed him ‘ahuacatl’ – became ‘avocado’ in Spanish -, or ‘testicles’ in French: the lawyer was born!

What are the nutritional benefits of avocado?

In 100 g of avocado there is, according to data from the Ciqual table:

Calories: 205 kcal Protein: 1.56 g Carbohydrates: 0.83 g Fat: 20.6 g Fiber: 3.6 g Calcium: 9.4 mg Iron: 0.34 mg Magnesium 21 mg Potassium 430 mg Zinc: 0. 43 mg Vitamins D, E K1, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12

The points to remember? The high levels of fiber (3.6 g per 100 g), monounsaturated fats (12.3 g/100 g) and the multitude of nutrients it contains! Pay attention, however, to the high calorie content of avocado (205 kcal) !

What are the health benefits of avocado?

Originally from Mexico, the avocado is one of the most popular and trendy fruits in recent years. And for good reason, in addition to being tasty and delicious, it is also full of health benefits!

Avocado good for heart health

Avocado is rich in fats and, in particular, in monounsaturated fats also called ‘good fats’, recommended to effectively fight once morest cardiovascular disorders. Indeed, this fruit contains phytosterols, plant lipids which help to regulate bad cholesterol, but also oleic acids and linoleic acids which participate in the regulation of good cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Better yet, avocado contains potassium, folate and fiber which are also allies for the health of the heart and cardiovascular system. A recent scientific study (Avocado Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in US Adults (Harvard School of Public Health & American Heart Association) thus affirmed that people who eat 2 servings of avocado per week have 16% less risk of having a heart diseasecompared to people who eat little or none at all.

Avocado acts on cholesterol

Is it good to (re)specify it? Thanks to the phytosterols, oleic and linoleic acids it contains, avocado actively participates in the regulation of cholesterol. Can you eat avocado when you have cholesterol? Yes ! Although it has the reputation of being ‘too’ fatty, avocado is actually an anti-cholesterol ally of choice. It reduces bad cholesterol, it increases good cholesterol. On the other hand – and like almost all good things – be careful not to consume too much avocado!

Avocado, appetite suppressant, promotes weight loss

Thanks to its high fiber content, avocado helps you feel full when you eat it. Result ? It holds up well when you’re a little hungry and can be an alternative to snacking! On the other hand, be careful not to overdo it because avocado still has a high calorie content (especially if we compare it to other fruits)!

Avocado promotes digestion

How does avocado help you digest better? Thanks to its fiber content! The avocado contains, on average, 7% fiber… which makes it an ideal food for facilitate intestinal transit. Complicated digestion? Consuming avocado will help prevent constipation and facilitate digestion. Better yet, it contributes to the good health of the intestinal microbiota (Avocado Consumption Alters Gastrointestinal Bacteria Abundance and Microbial Metabolite Concentrations among Adults with Overweight or Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial”, dans le Journal of Nutrition), a set of microorganisms whose proper functioning is very closely linked to health, more generally.

Avocado is rich in nutrients

Rich in nutrients, the avocado helps meet a good part of the recommended daily intake and contains minerals useful for the proper functioning of the body such as iron, copper and potassium… The avocado is full of vitamins and trace elements essential for the proper functioning of the body! In fact, consuming avocado is ideal for overcoming all kinds of deficiencies… particularly iron deficiencies since avocado also contains it. Like that contained in other plant sources, the iron in avocado is less well absorbed by the body than the iron contained in foods of animal origin.

Avocado good for the eyes

Eat avocado to have great eyes? Like carrots, avocados contain carotenes (lutein and zeaxanthin) and vitamin E which are good for eye health.

Cancer, women’s health and avocado…

Avocado cures all ills! Thanks to the anti-oxidants it contains, avocado is able to reduce inflammation and might help reduce stomach aches during periods. It is to these same antioxidants that avocado is sometimes cited as a food that helps prevent certain cancers – notably prostate cancer – but scientific evidence is lacking…

The dangers of avocado for health

Can avocado be dangerous for your health? Yes… for people who are allergic to it, obviously, but also people sensitive to salicylates, present in several fruits, and which can cause an allergic reaction in certain people! Some people may be allergic to avocado or be bothered by a cross allergy; that is, reacting to one substance while being allergic to another chemically related substance. In the case of avocado, people allergic to birch pollen or latex may therefore have a sensitivity to avocado. If you suffer from a food allergy, do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor.

Does avocado make you lose weight or gain weight?

Rather rich in fat, the avocado has the reputation of being fatty, and by shortcut we think (wrongly) that avocado makes you gain weight … Beware of confusion! In fact, avocado contains ‘good fat’, namely monounsaturated fats, which help to improve cardiovascular health (see paragraph below “Is avocado good for the heart?”).

In reality, it is quite the opposite: the lawyer would even be a slimming ally ! Thanks to its fiber content and fatty acids, avocado is a real appetite suppressant food since it will give a feeling of satiety. Ideal as part of a diet or when looking to lighten up. Downside ? If we compare it to other fruits and vegetables, the avocado has a fairly high calorie content… Like all good things (and the less good ones for that matter) it is therefore better not to overdo it!

On our plate With 150kcal/100 g, or more, it remains one of the most caloric fruits. But no reason to deprive yourself of it if you play it light on the seasoning, preferably with a squeeze of lemon rather than a vinaigrette. The right portion? Half an avocado, once or twice a week.

Downside ? The avocado is now so ‘trendy’ that it is now being singled out: having become a real financial windfall, the cultivation of the avocado might have serious ecological and health consequences linked, in particular, to the increase in its value, transportation, necessities linked to its culture…

Read also

Everything you need to know regarding avocado How to grow an avocado tree?
#Avocado #superfood #linked #heart #health



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