AVISO: Symposium on the occasion of Crime Victims’ Day

Statements from Justice Minister Alma Zadić and Interior Minister Gerhard Karner as well as video messages from Women’s Minister Susanne Raab and Health Minister Johannes Rauch

Vienna (OTS) On February 21, 2023, the Federal Ministry of the Interior, together with the WEISSER RING crime victim support organization, is inviting to the symposium “Situational Violence – A Special Challenge in Victim Support” on the occasion of the European Day of Victims of Crime. The 13th symposium of this kind is taking place this year in the Federal Ministry of the Interior with numerous specialist lectures and expert discussions.

The symposium will be opened with a welcome speech by the President of WEISSEN RING, Udo Jesionek, followed by video messages from the Minister for Women, Susanne Raab, and the Minister for Health, Johannes Rauch. Statements by Justice Minister Alma Zadić and Interior Minister Gerhard Karner are then planned.

Media representatives are cordially invited to this event.

Alternatively, the event can also be followed via live stream under the following link or on the Facebook pages of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Weisser Ring:


8:00 am – Accreditation

9:00 am – Start of the event and welcome

9:30 a.m. – Video messages and statements

10:30 a.m. – Specialist lectures and discussions


Federal Ministry of the Interior, Large Lecture Hall, entrance at Minoritenplatz 9, 1010 Vienna

Questions & contact:

federal Ministry of Internal Affairs
Division I/C/10 – Public Relations
press office
+43 (0) 1-531 26 – 90 1510
press office@bmi.gv.at



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