2023-08-02 14:30:04
NEIGHBOR IN NOT board member Andreas Knapp, together with board member Michael Opriesnig and Lisa Zuckerstätter from ORF, takes stock of 1.5 years of aid to Ukraine immediately following his trip to Ukraine.
Vienna (OTS) – When on 24.2. When millions of people in Ukraine were woken up at 4 a.m. and had to flee in the days that followed, nobody expected that war and violence would still be raging more than 500 days later and threatening the lives of local people. Suffering and death, flight and expulsion are back in our immediate vicinity.
On February 24, 2022, the ORF and NEIGHBOR IN NOT started an appeal for donations to help the needy population in Ukraine. Thanks to the overwhelming solidarity and willingness to donate on the part of the Austrian population, the help of NACHBAR IN NOT was able to start immediately following the Russian attack on Ukraine. The aid from Austria reaches the people in Ukraine quickly and directly and always responds to current needs.
The NEIGHBOR IN NOT board members Andreas Knapp and Michael Opriesnig and Lisa Zuckerstätter, Head of Humanitarian Broadcasting ORF.
Datum: 09.08.2023, 09:30 – 10:30 a.m
Ort: ORF Funkhaus, Argentinierstrasse 30a, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Andrew Knapp, Foreign Aid General Secretary of Caritas Austria and Chairman of the Board of NACHBAR IN NOT returns on August 7th. returned from an assignment in the Ukraine and reports first-hand on how the people are doing and what they need most urgently at the moment.
Michael OpriesnigGeneral Secretary of the Austrian Red Cross and board member of NACHBAR IN NOT shows how the aid from Austria – including with funds from the Federal Government from the Foreign Disaster Fund – has developed in 1.5 years and where it is today.
Lisa ZuckerstatterHead of Humanitarian Broadcasting ORF, gives an overview of how ORF has been supporting “Help for Ukraine” since February 2022.
To register under press@nachbarinnot.at or 0664/787 86950 is requested.
Press conference NEIGHBOR IN NOT – Balance sheet and outlook “Help for Ukraine”
Datum: 09.08.2023, 09:30 – 10:30 a.m
Ort: ORF Funkhaus
Argentinierstrasse 30a, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Questions & contact:
Claudia Gasteiger
Communication NEIGHBOR IN NEED
0664 787 869 50
#AVISO #press #conference #August #9th #a.m #NEIGHBOR #EMERGENCY #Balance #sheet #outlook #Ukraine