“Aventura” offers theater to fear in the Mödling bunker

2023-08-14 07:09:20

The coolest hotspot of summer station theater can still be found – following a break due to the pandemic – and more than ever in the Mödling bunker, where Bruno Max and his 50-strong ensemble will enliven the underground air raid shelters this time with 17 scenes on the subject of “Aventura”. A production that is as extravagant as it is complex, as proved at the premiere on Sunday evening.

What turns an experience into an adventure? This question runs like an Ariadne thread through the one and a half hour hike in the winding corridors. Visiting a performance alone is like an adventure: every 15 minutes, a small group of less than 20 people starts a journey to the adventures and risks of life – between medieval adventure and internet avatars, gambling and speculation, real war and virtual fights, eroticism and feminism.

The source material that Bruno Max brings to the concept and production seems inexhaustible: from Jules Verne to Bert Brecht to Monty Python, from Casanova to Tolstoy and Ernst Jiinger to the handbooks of the British special forces in World War II: adventures can be found almost everywhere, in the head and elsewhere.

Marcus Ganser outdid himself when designing the premises. Be it ancient Egyptian wall paintings, a submarine scenery, various piping and apparatus, musical instruments or details such as dummy rats: every new room holds surprises. The costumes by Sigrid Dreger and the sound installations by Fritz Rainer also make a significant contribution to the realization of the “literary ghost train” (Bruno Max).

Overall an encouragement not to shy away from the adventure. Because, as Paolo Coelho put it: “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine – it kills.” In this sense, the theater in the bunker is revitalizing – and not just because of the pleasantly cool temperature. Those who do not suffer from claustrophobia or walking difficulties will find pleasure in the Mödling underworld.

The air-raid shelter in Mödling was built by Italian forced laborers as an air-raid shelter in 1941/43 and served as a place of refuge for the population of Mödling, Wiener Neudorf and southern Vienna during the bombing war. Up to 9,000 people spent time in the tunnels during air raids. In the summer of 1999, the “Theater zum Fürchten” association leased the tunnel system, which was around one kilometer long and consisted of two main tubes and side tunnels. Since then it has been transformed into a station theater every summer.

(SERVICE – Mödling, Theater im Bunker: Aventura. From the adventures in the head and elsewhere. Directed by: Bruno Max, with Fanny Altenburger, Jörg Stelling, David Czifer, Christoph Prückner, Wolfgang Lesky, Christina Saginth, Theresa Guggenberger, among others. Further performances until 3 September, tickets: Tel. 01/5442070, information: www.theaterimbunker.at)

(FOTOAVISO – picture material under Login: TZFpresse)

#Aventura #offers #theater #fear #Mödling #bunker



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